- Hemoglobin can also be cross-linked to solublepolymers to form so-called conjugated hemoglobin.
- Many people have been fascinated about Venus for centuries because of its thick cloud cover—a so-called planet of mystery and all of that.
- Let's see what this so-called button does.
- What you'll notice very delicately is that there's not all that much to this so-called floppy disk.
- I could easily escape discomfort, temporarily, by answering email or browsing the web under the pretense of so-called "research".
- rising crime in our so-called civilized societies.
- Despite the vogue for so-called health teas, there is no evidence that they are any healthier.
- Another more interesting maxims is one of the so-called maxims of quantity, quantities of information, that is.
- Lyonnais cooking is epitomized by the so-called 'bouchons'.
- Even small Chinese towns look better than our so-called cities.
- It's so-called good people as we are called.
- It appears that the so-called socialist revolution must also have its hamburgers.
- Advances in medical science have made it possible to cure many so-called incurable diseases.
- Each gives lectures, runs conferences, and does a lot of professional development on so-called "gender-specific learning".
- The so-called specific was a fraud.
- The last twenty years have seen the arrival of the so-called "new man"—the man who is willing to share the housework and child-care.
- The so-called "ghostwriting" can take various forms: books, articles, autobiographies, and even social media posts.
- In the 1980s this concept was used to buttress several so-called sectoral reciprocity proposals. 80.
- After dinner, it's time to hit the books again—at one of Seoul's many so-called cram schools.
- So-called superagers have cognitive1 abilities like those of much younger people.
- Let's continue our discussion now by talking about orbits, especially those of the so-called periodic-orbit comets.
- More and more companies have gone 'green' and started producing so-called environmentally-friendly products.
- The so-called critics are generically mentioned, but not individually mentioned.
- It seems that the so-called new theory is likely to sink into oblivion.
- He's a so-called jack of all trades and master of none.
- She had rented the flat from the council some fourteen months previously.
- I haven't met him previously.
- By 2005 he wants half of all new houses to be built on previously developed land: so-called brownfield sites.
- The deviation from the previously accepted agreement cannot be forgiven.
- The eight-mile road is at least 500 years older than any previously discovered road.
- Women's sports are breaking down the barriers in previously male-dominated domains.
- Previously our mountain area [ region] is poor and impoverised.
- The evidence given in court was inconsistent with what he had previously told them.
- Only the European Space Agency and the US have previously sent probes there.
- The next afternoon Sara spoke to a few of her teammates, two of which I had previously dated.
- He had first entered the House 12 years previously.
- The company had previously announced the planned closures, but had not said which locations would be affected.
- The size of the shrubs has increased and shrub cover has spread to what was previously shrub-free tundra.
- Previously she had very little time to work in her own garden.
- Six months previously he had quitted his job.