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1. Without a clear outline; not clear.
2. Indistinct or hazy in outline.

blurryblurry Image.

Use 'blurry' in a sentence:

  1. Where would we draw the (often blurry) line between shipping and part management?
  2. Research on Blurry Comprehensive Evaluation System of Gymnastic Technique.
  3. The application of blurry mathematics in evaluation of reliability indicators of CNC system.
  4. We now have a star diffusion effect, but it seems quite blurry and it's not every noticeable.
  5. Application of Blurry Accordant Matrix in the Distribution Project Evaluation of Main Road Hinge.
  6. User experience is a very blurry concept.
  7. But the official measure provides only a blurry picture.
  8. Still, lines are being drawn, even if they are a bit blurry.
  9. Blurry areas at image top and bottom right are caused by cloud cover.
  10. He'd seen Carpluk's blurry form approach his car from the left and then cross in front of it.
  11. At first the picture was blurry but she saw two curious faces looking at her.
  12. Any information projected on to the lens would probably appear blurry.
  13. Oh, when I look closer, they look blurry.
  14. With her eyes feeling increasingly tired and her vision blurry, 16-year-old Tian Ting went to the hospital with her parents in January.
  15. These blurry data pose a great threat to analyze material problem.
  16. Everything blurry. I was kind of out of it.
  17. MALKIN: No, I saw something, sort of a blurry thing.
  18. You cannot think if you are stuck in a blurry thought pattern.
  19. Make sure to check its position, we don't want to see blurry edges.
  20. In my experience, the full-motion video from a USB CAM is blurry at best.
  21. It also built a blurry inference mechanism for standard model base.
  22. With significant hemorrhage, patients may complain of blurry vision with diminished visual acuity.
  23. When benztropine was added, they experienced a blurry vision.
  24. In my memory, the other people in the church are blurry, only watercolors.
  25. The rules are blurry enough and enforced arbitrarily enough to keep everybody on their toes.
  26. My blurry vision makes it hard to drive.
  27. In practical applications, the collected vehicle images at high-speed are blurry.
  28. I just felt no energy and it just got blurry.
  29. This blurry cloud comes into sharp focus when we try to measure particles.
  30. He, too, experienced blurry lights after dark but this has steadily lessened.
  31. Lower values mean the texture will be more blurry at shallow angles.
  32. Maybe those lines are just a little blurry right now.
  33. Recognition of Blurry Chinese Words Based on Semantic and Hopfield Network.
  34. Well, the differences can be blurry, but I would say no.
  35. The Blurry Evaluation Mechanism in Chinese Teaching.
  36. Blurry Feeling of Living Space& Emotional Spatial Design of Collective Housing.
  37. She saw his blurry figure in the headlight, walking around the front of the car.
  38. Maybe your eyes are dry, your vision is blurry headache that just won't quit?
  39. What Galileo viewed through his "far looker" was a blurry mess compared to what we can see today.
  40. A discussion about the appraisement system of scenic spot based on the blurry clustering.
  41. The picture on our television has become rather blurry.
  42. Be sure to use flash for action shots or they're likely to come out blurry, even in the best light.
  43. Synthetically Blurry Value Method in Crew Duty Mode of Urban Rail Transit.
  44. Cataracts can cause blurry vision and increase the glare from lights.
  45. Your vision may be blurry at first as your eye heals and adjusts.
  46. When we try to open our eyes underwater, things look blurry.
  47. Something is wrong with the TV& the picture is blurry.
  48. Otherwise the image looks blurry.
  49. Application of the Blurry Integrative Judgement on the Assessment of Plotting Product Quality.
  50. Such seemingly straightforward distinctions become blurry through numberless eyes.
  51. The father managed to open his eyes and saw, as if through a fog, the doctor's blurry face.
  52. When I had woken up the ceiling, walls, the stranger was all blurry!
  53. After my first day at work, my eyesight was blurry, she says.
  54. I think the distinction between personal life and business life is kind of blurry now.
  55. They scrutinized her face as they showed her blurry footage from the security tape.
  56. The window might cause the picture to be blurry.
  57. The distinction between pheromones and odorants—chemicals that are consciously detected as odors—can be blurry, and some researchers classify pheromones as a type of odorant.
  58. It's kind of bleak, but you can really see those broad brushstrokes and the blurry lines.