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1. To become red in the face because you are embarrassed or ashamed.
2. A rosy color (especially in the cheeks) taken as a sign of good health.
3. Turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame.
4. Become rosy or reddish.

blushblush Image.

Use 'blush' in a sentence:

  1. He blushed scarlet at the thought.
  2. Your behaviour makes me blush for your poor wife.
  3. At first blush there is something to this argument.
  4. I blush for you.
  5. At first blush, you lose a lot more than you gain.
  6. My friends, you shall never have occasion to blush for me again.
  7. She blushed for her mistakes.
  8. She blushed furiously at the memory of the conversation.
  9. At first blush, this idea seems ridiculous.
  10. She turned aside to hide her blushes.
  11. Punctuation is the way one bats one's eyes, lowers one's voice or blushes demurely.
  12. I'm quite shy, so I blush easily.
  13. It is not so bad to blush.
  14. He blushed at his own faults.
  15. Her smile makes me blush.
  16. It was the first time I saw you blush.
  17. When I meet a new friend, I'll blush and look away.
  18. You ought to blush at your conduct.
  19. She doesn't blush easily.
  20. Shame-faced and blushing, the women took their leave and rowed off again.
  21. A deserted old travelling palace,' flowers in utter loneliness blush.
  22. Blush she blushed as red as a rose with shame.
  23. At first blush, vaccinating the wolves against rabies seems a simple solution.
  24. I felt myself blush.
  25. Why do people blush after drinking?
  26. She laughs, blushes and twitters: 'Oh, doesn't Giles have just the most charming sense of humour?'
  27. Why do I blush when I'm embarrassed?
  28. 'Hello, Maria,' he said, and she blushed again.
  29. I blushed scarlet at my stupidity.
  30. When Bob said how pretty Mary was, she blushed and hid her face.
  31. The girl went into the restroom with a blush.
  32. At first blush, it would seem that Mr Bush did.
  33. Millennials are perfectly3 comfortable with language and humor that makes their parents' generation blush.
  34. On cost, the bill appears at first blush to offer a breakthrough.
  35. Blushes showed her embarrassment.
  36. She starts to blush.
  37. I blush to admit it, but I quite like her music.
  38. I felt myself blush. Then I sniffed back a tear.
  39. Even the mention of her name makes him blush.
  40. She blushed with [ for] shame.
  41. She blushed with embarrassment.
  42. She blushed at his remarks.
  43. She often blushes when speaking to strangers.
  44. Her dress is white with a blush of pink.
  45. He blushed at the praise.
  46. A stark choice, at first blush.
  47. She blushed with shame.
  48. All this is so elementary that one would blush to state it if it were not being constantly forgotten by those who coin and circulate the new slogans.
  49. She suddenly realized the oddity of her remark and blushed.
  50. I truly blush for you.
  51. "The most important thing is to be honest," she says, without the trace of a blush.
  52. Tha'lt be like a blush rose when tha' grows up, my little lass, bless thee.
  53. She felt a warm blush rise to her cheeks.
  54. 'Well done, Cassandra,' Crook said. She blushed, but accepted the compliment with good grace.
  55. 'We don't want to name the man to spare his blushes,' said a police spokesman.
  56. Jenny shuffled her feet and blushed with shame.
  57. My favourite colour is peach blush.