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1. Describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of.
2. To be typical of a person, place or thing.
3. To give something its typical or most noticeable qualities or features.

Use 'characterize' in a sentence:

  1. To figure that out, we need to use real data to characterize the extent of the issue.
  2. It's an extraordinarily dark way to characterize the composition and the process of the poem.
  3. People leave different traces and characterize their surroundings in different ways.
  4. To characterize Craigslist as just a classifieds site is a big understatement.
  5. So I was wondering how you learnt to differentiate and characterize these great ideas when they come.
  6. Teams may choose to show their survey data to characterize their progress on their agile journey.
  7. The laboratory will conduct confirmatory tests and further characterize the virus.
  8. I would characterize the market as resilient and successful and with a clear growth potential.
  9. First, it can characterize the pages in more detail.
  10. This is the most comprehensive study to date to characterize the efficiency of different filter types.
  11. Snoopervision is a management or regulatory style characterized by intrusiveness1 or excessive prying2.
  12. A bold use of colour characterizes the bedroom.
  13. His works are characterized by humour and biting satire.
  14. How do you characterize the leadership style?
  15. Identify and characterize the participants (entities) and their actions (activities).
  16. Each of the three following situations is characterized by a different kind of uncertainty.
  17. An interest in people's deepest feelings characterizes all her writings.
  18. How would you characterize them?
  19. Thus, different levels of abstraction may characterize the concept of theory.
  20. The education system there is characterized by an emphasis on success in exams.
  21. Blandford says two primary parameters characterize black holes.
  22. In any discussion of pre-neoplasia, it is obviously necessary to characterize the Salent charcteristics of neoplacia itself.
  23. Establishing quality baselines across the application portfolio that characterize its current state.
  24. Statuscation is a new word coined to characterize the now commonplace activity of sharing your holiday plans on social networks.
  25. the rolling hills that characterize this part of England.
  26. They're the same in a few ways, too -- the ways that characterize polyphasic sleep, as I know it.
  27. This play is characterized as a comedy.
  28. Characterize performance impacts on existing federated transactions that do not require f2pc.
  29. True guilt is characterized by a readiness to make atonement for having done wrong.
  30. The world situation is characterized by turbulence and intranquility.
  31. The design is characterized by logicality, flexibility, systematization and succinctness by case analysis.
  32. The author characterized the central figure as a weakling.
  33. What characterizes the current world situation is the danger of war.
  34. Gastroenteritis is a disease characterized by abdominal pain, diarrhea, headache, and fever.
  35. GOTHIC_BUTTRESSES_DESC; Gothic construction, particularly in its later phase, is characterized by lightness and soaring spaces.
  36. January feeling refers to an emotional state characterized by feelings of optimism and possibility, particularly at the start of a new year.
  37. Analysis continues at the NICD and CDC in order to characterize this virus more fully.
  38. Stay mute about his member. unless you feel compelled to characterize it as monstrous.
  39. Text analysis can extract a set of keywords that characterize the document.
  40. How does one characterize Benjamin Franklin?
  41. Chinese checkers is characterized by its hexagram-shaped board, which can accommodate up to 6 players.
  42. Attributes are used to further describe and characterize the various types of architecture patterns.
  43. Again, you can package Storyboards into a top-level package that you can characterize using the stereotype.
  44. This is what we characterize as elasticity, making the asynchronous service framework an elastic queue.
  45. The result is that the commitments that previously characterized the beginning of adulthood are now being delayed, and new patterns of behavior and a new stage of life are emerging for those in their twenties.
  46. There are six trends that characterize Web 2.0 for designers.
  47. He believes "a saw-toothed advance" will characterize a recovery this autumn.
  48. Daniel's few encounters with Gold had been characterized by a laboured politeness.
  49. The piercing cries of the rhinoceros hornbill characterize the Southeast Asian rain forest, as do the unmistakable calls of the gibbons.
  50. She characterized him as lazy and selfish.
  51. This election campaign has been characterized by violence.
  52. Both companies have characterized the relationship as friendly.
  53. Necrotic posthitis is characterized by evertive swelling, edema and necrosis in the prepuce of feedlot steers and bulls.
  54. The city is characterized by tall modern buildings in steel and glass.
  55. Natural language is characterized by redundancy.
  56. We may characterize an atomic state by a quantum number L.
  57. The wolf is characterized as a cunning and savage beast in many stories.