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1. A powerful drug that some people take illegally for pleasure and can become addicted to. Doctors sometimes use it as an anaesthetic .

Use 'cocaine' in a sentence:

  1. LATE last year, in an operation dubbed "Balkan Warrior", police in South America seized 2.7 tonnes of cocaine, most of it from a yacht moored in Uruguay.
  2. Primates that aren't predisposed to addiction will become compulsive users of cocaine as the number of D2 receptors declines in their brains, Dr. Volkow noted.
  3. The phrase "substance abuse" is often used instead of "drug abuse" to make clear that substances such as alcohol and tobacco can be just as harmfully misused as heroin and cocaine.
  4. Until last month, he was the highest paid actor on TV, despite his well-known bad-boy lifestyle and persistent problems with alcohol and cocaine.
  5. Coordinating over a dozen cocaine shipments between Colombia and the United States.
  6. Two months ago he had been offered cocaine at a law school party.
  7. The authorities have placed the drug in Class A, the same category as heroin and cocaine.
  8. City boys drive around in big cars and snort cocaine, neither of which activities is very planet-saving, and just imagine Tony Blair's carbon footprint.
  9. Aim: To investigate the effects and the possible mechanism of cocaine on the neurons of lateral habenular nucleus ( LHb).
  10. He spent a number of years hooked on cocaine, heroin, and alcohol.
  11. Contrast the signs of cocaine withdrawal and opiate withdrawal, and the probable mechanisms involved.
  12. A new electrochemical biosensor for cocaine detection by using rationally engineered aptamer structures Novel Method of Protein Detection Based on Cationic Conjugated Polymer and Aptamer Probe.
  13. Crack is a highly potent and addictive derivative of cocaine.
  14. You know how I got addicted to cocaine?
  15. I lost a decade of my life to cocaine addiction.
  16. You've got used to them-and they're at least as addictive as nicotine or crack cocaine.
  17. He died of cardiac arrest after snorting cocaine at a party.
  18. Try cocaine, and you'll become addicted to it.
  19. The Joint Utilization of Two Phase Structure Invariant and Harker Charting Method in Calculating Structure Phase of Cocaine Halogenide.
  20. It's unconscionable for the government to do anything for a man who admits to smuggling cocaine into the United States.
  21. Some while ago a business acquaintance disclosed to me that he was both an alcoholic and addicted to cocaine.
  22. Crack is a much cheaper, smokable form of cocaine which is powerfully addictive.
  23. Cocaine is originally used as a local anesthetic by doctors.
  24. You mean the spa the judge ordered him to go to to quit cocaine?
  25. Studies on Electrochemical Biosensor Based on Conducting Polymer and Aptamer A new electrochemical biosensor for cocaine detection by using rationally engineered aptamer structures.
  26. The bags were packed with cocaine.
  27. Air conditioning and special health alerts could help in urban areas where cocaine use is high, the study suggested.
  28. Identification of cocaine use based only on urinalysis may miss some cases because of the short elimination half-life of the drug.
  29. We see him snorting and mainlining cocaine.
  30. For example, macaque monkeys are also highly social animals, and scientists put them in cages and taught them how to push a lever so that they could get cocaine.
  31. The cops picked him up for possession of crack cocaine last night.
  32. Don't have cocaine abusively.
  33. Drugs of abuse, from alcohol to cocaine, also increase dopamine release.
  34. Moreover, many abusers know how to time their cocaine consumption in such a way that they can'beat'the urinalysis, having a series of negative urine tests.
  35. This includes even the traditional use of coca leaves (from which cocaine is extracted) by Andean Indians for chewing and tea.
  36. Scientists previously have linked increased levels of ghrelin to intensifying the rewarding or pleasurable feelings one gets from cocaine or alcohol.
  37. Many of the women are addicted to heroin and cocaine.
  38. In recent years Latin American drug gangs have been funnelling a lot of cocaine through west Africa, making the trans-Saharan route far more lucrative.
  39. He is a drug addict, hooked on a mix of cocaine and meperidine.
  40. Looks a lot like cocaine.
  41. Outsiders might treat him with more respect if he threatened to legalise cocaine or cosy up to Hugo Chávez, Venezuela's oil-rich anti-American leader.
  42. How do you know it was cocaine?
  43. He was booked for possession of cocaine.
  44. Cocaine addicts get specialized support from knowledgeable staff.
  45. You may have heard that Coca-Cola once contained an ingredient capable of sparking particular devotion in consumers: cocaine.
  46. Six tons of cocaine were seized last week in Panama's biggest drug bust.
  47. A man who planned to flood Britain with cocaine was jailed for 15 years.
  48. Officers making a routine inspection of the vessel found fifty kilograms of cocaine.
  49. When cocaine eventually fell from grace as a beverage ingredient, kola-extract colas became popular.
  50. He systematically abused his body with heroin and cocaine.
  51. She became a prostitute in order to pay for her cocaine habit.