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1. A public official who investigates by inquest any death not due to natural causes.
2. An official whose job is to discover the cause of any sudden, violent or suspicious death by holding an inquest.

Use 'coroner' in a sentence:

  1. Well, according to the coroner's reports,
  2. The coroner is on his way, but my guess is three days, maybe four.
  3. But there's no report [into it] yet available to the coroner.
  4. The coroner recorded a verdict of death by unnatural causes.
  5. Something caught the coroner's eye this morning.
  6. The Los Angeles County Coroner declared Michael's death a homicide caused by drugs that had been administered to him.
  7. Coroner's putting time of death at just before midnight.
  8. The coroner: Here is Timothys watch. I think you should have it.
  9. According to the coroner, cause of death was severe anaphylaxis.
  10. The L.A. authorities autopsied the body June 26, but the coroner won't release a final report for weeks.
  11. Get anything from the coroner's reports yet?
  12. A coroner's jury was called to sit on the case.
  13. The coroner couldn't find a cause of death.
  14. The coroner 's verdict is death by misadventure.
  15. Well, that coroner thinks one.
  16. I mean, I'm perfectly qualified to be a coroner.
  17. The cause was cardiac arrest, the Clark County coroner said.
  18. The coroner asked for a review of police procedures.
  19. The coroner took some skin samples.
  20. The coroner's office says results from its toxicology tests could take up to six weeks.
  21. The coroner says the bodies show no signs of trauma.
  22. Someone from the coroner's office will get in touch with you.
  23. The affidavit said the coroner had told police that Mr. Jackson's death was likely due to 'lethal levels' of propofol.
  24. The coroner, Mary Hassell, said there had been no evidence that either woman's dog had been worrying the cattle.
  25. But the coroner said that the fire did not exceed 250.
  26. Wilson: Come on! Why leave all the fun for the coroner?
  27. On that occasion the coroner reportedly remarked that "this should never happen again".
  28. It is not uncommon for the coroner to hold on to a brain or samples from it.
  29. The figures are in a report by the State Coroner.
  30. County attorney: And what did Mrs. Wright do when she knew that you had gone for the coroner?
  31. And the coroner said he had a heart attack.
  32. Coroner found some smaller bite marks on the ankle.
  33. Everyone's waiting on the coroner's report.
  34. But the coroner didn't report any fracture in that bone.
  35. The coroner proved he had salt water in his lungs when he was killed.
  36. But they sent that second body to the state coroner.
  37. Inquisition means the document recording the result of an inquiry, or coroner 's inquest.
  38. Checked out the chief coroner who wrote the report.
  39. That's according to a coroner's official.
  40. In a follow-up phone call, the Coroner said that he saw the police report and felt everything was in order.
  41. Assistant chief coroner Ed Winter said investigators were still testing the singer's brain.
  42. Coroner: Well, let me put it this way.
  43. The coroner, Theodore Curphey, oversaw the full autopsy.
  44. Coroner thinks she was out there about a day.
  45. The coroner! Young pup like you! Well, well. Your mother. she must be some proud. Guess you better come in.
  46. The coroner concluded that the death of the old woman was accidental.
  47. The local coroner found no obvious evidence of foul play.
  48. The coroner recorded a verdict of accidental death.
  49. The coroner immediately classified his death as a suicide.
  50. The coroner's verdict was 'death by misadventure'.
  51. The coroner concurred with this assessment.