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1. Savory dressings for salads; basically of two kinds: either the thin French or vinaigrette type or the creamy mayonnaise type.
2. A mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables.
3. Making fertile as by applying fertilizer or manure.
4. A cloth covering for a wound or sore.

Use 'dressing' in a sentence:

  1. I want a French dressing.
  2. I'll have Italian dressing.
  3. What dressing is this?
  4. Do you like dressing smart?
  5. Thousand Island dressing tastes delicious.
  6. It's close to showtime now, so you retire into the dressing room.
  7. The reforms are seen as window dressing.
  8. She threw a hissy fit because her dressing room wasn't painted blue.
  9. A top dressing of fertilizer should be added to improve growth as mint impoverishes the soil quickly.
  10. He just sat in the dressing room staring into space.
  11. Girls love dressing up.
  12. We have Italian dressing, Orange dressing and 1000 Island dressing.
  13. Put it in a screw-top jar with French dressing and leave to marinate.
  14. Where is dressing room?
  15. Girls like dressing themselves up.
  16. The poor child never cried or protested when I was dressing her wounds.
  17. We have Italian dressing and blue cheese dressing.
  18. We went inside the team's dressing room moments after one of the most embarrassing defeats in their history.
  19. Drizzle the remaining dressing over the duck and salad.
  20. Winona was now comfortably enfolded in a woolly dressing-gown.
  21. She crept from the bed and fumbled for her dressing gown.
  22. Graham attempted to quash rumours of growing discontent in the dressing room.
  23. She sat down in front of her dressing-table mirror to look at herself.
  24. The bedroom was an exact replica of the original, perfect right down to the patterns on the wallpaper and the hairbrushes on the dressing table.
  25. His style of dressing bespoke great self-confidence.
  26. Dressings are changed four hourly to help prevent infection.
  27. Many of our patients need help with dressing.
  28. She was touching the dressing gingerly with both hands.
  29. Miss Finkelstein will put a dressing on your thumb.
  30. Kids love dressing up.
  31. I just love the fun of dressing up in another era's clothing.
  32. He has acted out every kind of blasphemy, including dressing up as the pope in Rome.
  33. The measures seem to be mere window dressing that won't solve the problem.