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1. Skillfulness by virtue of possessing special knowledge.

Use 'expertise' in a sentence:

  1. In return for the scale of investment, they should share their expertise in order to build greater confidence in the sector.
  2. The discussions are the things where my expertise can benefit the students most.
  3. Leaders have to be able to delegate and manage resources wisely—including staff expertise.
  4. Haig was immediately impressed by Charteris's expertise and by his lucid explanation of the work.
  5. A Study of Teachers' Knowledge Based on Teaching Expertise and Acquisition.
  6. Wouldn't having expertise in PR and marketing give me more career options?
  7. Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world.
  8. Want to share your expertise?
  9. They are people of ability, talent, and enthusiasm who can bring their broad perspective into specific fields of expertise.
  10. Private courier companies, which have more dollars to spend, use their expertise in logistics to help revitalize damaged areas after a disaster.
  11. What is your area of expertise?
  12. It's a team unrivalled in stature, expertise and credibility.
  13. Part Two Scientific and legal contents of expertise.
  14. The problem is that most local authorities lack the expertise to deal sensibly in this market.
  15. I can give you the kind of expertise you're going to need.
  16. Propose a more reasonable model of expertise of mathematics teachers.
  17. Sharing policy expertise.
  18. Expertise: Tax Law, Financial Law, Economic Law.
  19. Anna Wintour, Vogue's global editorial director says: "I am so delighted that Margaret is our new editor in chief of Vogue China. Her international experience, exceptional multiplatform digital expertise, and wide-ranging interests are the perfect combination to lead Vogue China into the future."
  20. You will need hardware, software, and network expertise.
  21. Through this program, China and Russia will take advantage of their expertise and experience in space science and technology and spacecraft to produce a plan for the station and will cooperate closely on the following steps.
  22. Archival research confirms that Europeans were not merely dependent on the work of porters, soldiers, translators, cooks, pilots, guides, hunters and collectors, they also relied on local expertise.
  23. A requirement for too much infrastructure expertise among test and development staff.
  24. You really have the technical expertise in a new breakthrough.
  25. Teachers also consistently report how ill-equipped they feel to meet pupils' mental health needs, and often cite a lack of training, expertise and support from the National Health Service.
  26. Expertise Acquisition: The Deliberate Practice Theory and Its Empirical Study.
  27. The workshop offers tools, materials, and expertise for people to work on do-it-yourself projects.
  28. I doubt his professional expertise.
  29. We need commercialization expertise to help us with the feedback mechanism.
  30. We want to offer our expertise.
  31. How important has that type of expertise been so far?
  32. Let your expertise in one field fuel your passions in all related areas.
  33. Leaders have to be able to delegate and manage resources wisely – including staff expertise.
  34. The consultant seeks to match up jobless professionals with small companies in need of expertise.
  35. You are an expert on something and you should share your expertise with educators and their students.
  36. Its agencies in charge of drafting the guidelines have the expertise.
  37. The Building Method of Expertise System for Environmental Effect Evaluation of Railway Construction Project.
  38. Expertise Diagnostic System on Improving Water Injection Efficiency.
  39. Telemedicine also allows for better care in places where medical expertise is hard to come by.
  40. There's a great deal of knowledge and expertise in it.
  41. Hybrid Expertise System Model and Classification of Loans Risks.
  42. Its technical expertise is available to provide laser, tyre, roller and girth gear.
  43. These are relatively small points when set against her expertise on so many other issues.
  44. Collaborate with people who have complementary expertise.
  45. The second line of research often used to justify single-sex education falls squarely within my area of expertise: brain and cognitive development.
  46. A nice video published online last month sheds light on expertise and the conscious mind.
  47. Students' expectations were as varied as their expertise.
  48. The wheels of language run so smoothly that one rarely bothers to stop and think about all the resourcefulness and expertise that must have gone into making it tick.
  49. We have the expertise to help you run your business.
  50. Griffith's expertise is in writing legal briefs.
  51. As her technological expertise grew more sophisticated, so did the other aspects of her dances.
  52. We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have.
  53. She was not an accountant and didn't have the expertise to verify all of the financial details.
  54. Let us not forget that the much-maligned British Rail has a major expertise in electronic communications.
  55. To grow the business, he needs to develop management expertise and innovation across his team.
  56. They have considerable expertise in dealing with oil spills.