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1. In an honest and direct way that people might not like.
2. Used to show that you are being honest about something, even though people might not like what you are saying.

Use 'frankly' in a sentence:

  1. In the letter, I just told him frankly I could no longer live up with his poor management and stupid decisions.
  2. Frankly, I don't know what Paul sees in her.
  3. Frankly, I couldn't care less what happens to him.
  4. If ( indeed) you should have any opinion, you might as well tell us frankly.
  5. Frankly the US military has not thought that way.
  6. Quite frankly, I don't blame you.
  7. He told me frankly what he thought of me.
  8. So frankly, for a long time, I did nothing.
  9. Frankly it's a city I dislike.
  10. A culture should frankly face the hybridity in exchange with others.
  11. Frankly, I think you're boring.
  12. Frankly, when I sat the back of the classroom, I can't see the words on the board clearly.
  13. He used to make extremely dull, turgid and frankly boring speeches.
  14. Quite frankly, you shouldn't have lost your temper like that.
  15. 'Frankly I found it rather frightening.' — 'A little startling,' Mark agreed.
  16. Frankly, Thomas, this question of your loan is beginning to worry me.
  17. Frankly speaking, at first I had some difficulty following the teachers.
  18. Speak out frankly and don't beat about the bush.
  19. Quite frankly , I'm not surprised you failed.
  20. If you have any opinions, state them frankly.
  21. The representatives to the conference frankly stated their views.
  22. Frankly speaking, he hasn't got a chance.
  23. His statement was frankly tendentious.
  24. Quite frankly, I've had enough of the old one.
  25. I'll speak very frankly.
  26. He used to make extremely dull, turgid and frankly awful speeches.
  27. Frankly speaking, I'm not opposed to reform.
  28. To speak frankly, I don't like the idea at all.
  29. As the CFO of Macy's put it recently, "We're frankly scratching our heads."
  30. Frankly speaking, I just want to make it clear that I am personally offended that someone would make a silly superhero movie. That's unacceptable.
  31. Many parents frankly admit that they have trouble bringing up their children.
  32. Frankly, Mary is not what I call easy-going.
  33. "No, upon my word, master; you must not think that," replied Sebastian frankly.
  34. The first lesson from this is that you can go too far in simulation; locking access to individual dice is, frankly, just silly.
  35. Frankly, when I sat at the back of the classroom, I can't see the words on the board clearly.
  36. The most important way to bridge the generation gap is to stay in communication frankly.
  37. Quite frankly, I'm not surprised you failed.
  38. "By no means," said the Sea Rat frankly.
  39. "You are so queer," he said, frankly puzzled, "and Tiger Lily is just the same."
  40. He felt he had a relationship strong enough to talk frankly to Sarah.
  41. I was frankly astonished at the degree to which different singers can affect the interpretation of a song.
  42. After visiting Wuhan, Dr. Zhong spoke out frankly about human-to-human transmission and suggested evidence-based prevention.
  43. The most likely scenario, frankly, is that your friend can read you like a book but prefers to ignore your crush.
  44. They frankly admitted their responsibility.
  45. They frankly dislike the RSC's actors, them with their long hair and beards and sandals and noisiness.
  46. There are, frankly, an astonishing number of exceptional colleges in America, and for any given student, there are a number of schools that are a great fit.
  47. Frankly, I've had enough of our canteen food.
  48. Quite frankly , I don't blame you.
  49. Echo is always complaining about her job as a cashier, but frankly it's something to have a job in these difficult days.
  50. You can talk frankly to me.
  51. He spoke frankly about the ordeal.