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1. A short labored intake of breath with the mouth open.
2. Breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted.

Use 'gasp' in a sentence:

  1. Tomorrow hundreds of thousands of people will line the route to cheer and to gasp in sympathetic participation.
  2. Often we can't type fast enough on our mobile devices to keep up, so we jot down notes on *gasp* paper.
  3. One could only gasp at the sheer effrontery of the man.
  4. "Does your husband cook?" I ask, and hear her gasp.
  5. It was the eyes that made Mr. Craven gasp for breath.
  6. And I certainly serve customers with a smile. Sometimes they just might hear me gasp as well!
  7. Time from decapitation to the last gasp;
  8. Arnold had his head down, gasping as he toiled up the hill.
  9. This voice made the boys gasp and quake.
  10. Tourists flock from India's sweaty plains to gasp the mountain air.
  11. He surfaced, gasping for air.
  12. She gave a small gasp of pain.
  13. Today, we no longer gasp when we hear a teenage girl is pregnant or whisper about unmarried couples who live together.
  14. In response, some movie theaters offered — gasp — an airpopped alternative.
  15. Esme was at my side in half a heartbeat, swinging me up easily into her arms, and dashing up the stairs before I could gasp in shock.
  16. This caused a few gasps, as well it might.
  17. When people don't get enough oxygen, they often begin to gasp for air.
  18. As the gladiators rolled away from the starting gates, a gasp went up when the Scottish cyclist's left foot clicked out of the pedal.
  19. 'I can't do that!' she gasped, appalled at the very idea.
  20. There are live tracks, B-sides, remixes, even (gasp) covers.
  21. Gasping, she tossed her hair out of her face.
  22. The natural beauty made me gasp.
  23. She stood below him and called up to him with a sort of gasp.
  24. Mary caught her breath in a short gasp and felt herself turn pale.
  25. At last, I hear a soft thud, a gasp, and silence.
  26. The content of water and Evans blue of brain tissue were determined, the time of gasp was observed.
  27. It was so very beautiful that the Mole could only hold up both forepaws and gasp, "Oh, my!"
  28. Both animals and people were gasping for breath in the rarefied air.
  29. She drew her breath in with a gasp and half-rose to her feet.
  30. I felt a pain in my neck. I started to gasp for air.
  31. She managed to gasp out her name.
  32. She gasped for air and drew in a lungful of water.
  33. As I walked into the room, I gave an audible gasp.
  34. She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth.
  35. Even though at their last gasp, the enemies will still put up their deathbed struggle.
  36. She shrank back with an involuntary gasp.
  37. I certainly serve customers with a smile. Sometimes they just might hear me gasp as well!
  38. It was so hot a noon that the leaves had to gasp for breath.
  39. We lay there: a huddle of bodies, gasping for air.
  40. She had to gasp, so great was her surprise.
  41. Satisfied with their work, they sat on the grass waiting for Pinocchio to give his last gasp.
  42. Parts of the route driven by the bus driver have been blocked by recent snowfalls, and some passengers started to gasp and exclaim.
  43. An audible gasp went round the court as the jury announced the verdict.
  44. An audible gasp went around the court as the jury announced the verdict.
  45. The film was shown to gasps of rapture at the Democratic Convention.
  46. He snatched a last gasp winner.
  47. It's the final gasp of the burst housing bubble.
  48. Her breath came in convulsive gasps.
  49. She gasped for breath, her chest heaving.
  50. Gasping for breath, she leaned against the door.
  51. He gasped with surprise at her strength.
  52. The nurse gave a slight gasp and tried to conceal it with a cough.
  53. 'What was that noise?' he gasped.
  54. I bobbed to the surface and gasped a lungful of air.
  55. His breath came in short gasps.
  56. They gasped in astonishment at the news.
  57. He came to the surface of the water gasping for air.
  58. She gasped at the wonderful view.
  59. A gasp rippled through the crowd.