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1. The scientific study of the earth's surface, physical features, divisions, products, population, etc.
2. Study of the earth's surface; includes people's responses to topography and climate and soil and vegetation.

Use 'geography' in a sentence:

  1. I like geography very much.
  2. We use a globe in our geography class.
  3. But then I remembered how my studies had been concentrated on geography, history, arithmetic, and grammar, and I told the little chap ( a little crossly, too ) that I did not know how to draw.
  4. She studies political geography.
  5. Probing into the Research Teaching Method of "Chinese Geography"
  6. A Study of Applying Modern Teaching Method to Geography Class Teaching.
  7. Geography is a useful subject.
  8. I like geography and history.
  9. and it is true that geography has been very useful to me.
  10. History and geography have conspired to bring Greece to a moment of decision.
  11. The geography paper was difficult.
  12. How's the new geography teacher?
  13. No. Geography still matters.
  14. It was just when geography was really beginning to change and lots of new ideas were coming in.
  15. When is your geography class?
  16. They are not workers on geography, but dispatchers on Emergency Center of the city.
  17. She likes to study geography.
  18. She teaches us geography.
  19. Parents draw baby name inspiration from a variety of sources — family history, pop culture, literature and even food. For many, geography offers meaningful ideas.
  20. In the past, the region had been protected by its forbidding geography and the extremities of its climate.
  21. I like geography, history and chemistry.
  22. Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor.
  23. Physical geography: located in southwest asia, north-east of the Arabian peninsula.
  24. History and geography have conspired to bring the country to a moment of decision.
  25. The grown-ups' response, this time, was to advise me to lay aside my drawings of boa constrictors, whether from the inside or the outside, and devote myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar.
  26. I like geography most.
  27. The research trend in regional study of economic geography in China.
  28. History, geography, philosophy& you'll find all sorts of reference books on the shelves.
  29. Rome studies geography and history.
  30. I don't like geography.
  31. Part Two: This section elucidates the connotation operative ability in geography.
  32. Maps are good for geography.
  33. Why does he like geography?
  34. We're familiar with the geography of new england.
  35. What's your mark in geography?
  36. I'm good at geography.
  37. Do you like geography?
  38. Do you know geography?
  39. The Geography paper was hard.
  40. The American continent's geography severely limited the lines of attack.
  41. I've got three: geography, maths and physics.
  42. Though he did well in maths and science, he failed in many subjects like history geography and languages.
  43. Why are Geography, Drama, Art and English in the ascendant?
  44. There is an inclination to treat geography as a less important subject.
  45. The geography of poverty and the geography of voting are connected.
  46. It's my geography homework, sir.
  47. Geography was my weak subject.
  48. The North American continent's geography severely limited the lines of attack.
  49. I'm revising Geography today.
  50. I still haven't done my geography homework.
  51. I'm afraid geography is not my strong suit.