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1. A person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties.

Use 'jew' in a sentence:

  1. Saying something to the effect that a Jew should never breach their threshold.
  2. Give it to the Jew in the next district.
  3. One of Luke's most important messages is "to the Jew first."
  4. And you would call yourself an Orthodox Jew.-Yes.
  5. 'Where is your Jew?' he shouts.
  6. Lf you were a jew, you'd look like this.
  7. If you are a Jew now where do you go to sacrifice?
  8. I was hoping for a black guy, but I got a Jew.
  9. Then why is a good Jew like you going?
  10. They have very high respect for a criminal Jew, who led some kind of guerilla war and was executed long ago, somewhere in Syria.
  11. You call any Jew on this planet anything you like.
  12. Only one observes Jewish laws in daily life can he be called a Jew.
  13. The bitch and the Jew will share the back seat.
  14. The old cove must be a Jew.
  15. The Jew's-ear protein extraction by ultrasonic method was studied.
  16. Jew's trick to make money: do business related to women.
  17. The Greek made men his slaves, the Jew made men free.
  18. Do not be seen on the street again, jew.
  19. Mr Sarkozy, whose maternal grandfather was a Jew from Salonika, is the first French president born after the war.
  20. Chapter three narrates the economy activity which Jew return the Occident.
  21. Economy Conflict between the Occidental Mainstream Clan and Jew in Middle Ages.
  22. Leave him alone. he's a good jew.
  23. And the use of "Pole" as the antonym for "Jew" may jar with some.
  24. I had probably never had met a Jew.
  25. I'm thinking the Jew or the fat chick will crack first.
  26. What does a Jew hope people will say about him at his funeral?
  27. A more fanciful theory is that Mr. Sarkozy has a natural sympathy for the country that was home to his maternal grandfather, a Jew from Thessaloniki.
  28. The Jew nodded an expressive approval of this mode of treatment.
  29. A think you can Jew him down five dollars on the price.
  30. He was black and spent his entire life as a Jew, which was opposed by his family.
  31. ' I know lots of ways,'and I told him a jew.
  32. Am I a Jew? "Pilate replied."
  33. Even as a jew, wouldn't take it.
  34. If the only Jew you know is Shakespeare's Shylock, it's going to be a very bad impression.
  35. By the time he had got upon his legs the Jew had disappeared.
  36. I beat a guy almost to death. I thought he was a Jew.
  37. We have not seen a single Jew protest by killing people.
  38. What is the best gun to defend from a jew?
  39. New Conception of Property Jew Investment and Distribution.
  40. Mr Harwood, a Jew from Cape Town, grew up haunted by images of Auschwitz.
  41. We must not let one Jew rob us of our joy.
  42. And you would call yourself an Orthodox Jew. -yes.
  43. In Israel or the diaspora, hardly any Jew considers himself of Arab culture.
  44. Research report on the technics of compressing package for jew's-ear.
  45. What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?
  46. "Jew" and "Armenian" are both often used as slurs.
  47. Studies on high yield techniques of black Jew's Ear.
  48. ISRAELIS tell a joke about a Jew who takes to reading Arab newspapers.
  49. “Just some bread crumbs,” replies the Jew.
  50. Study on Processing Technology and Equipment of Molding Hot-press and Technology of Recombination of Jew's-ear.
  51. Jew's Special Relation with Land.
  52. She lives in New Jersey and was brought up as a Jew.
  53. Worse, she was a dangerous foreigner - a Jew!