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1. Persons who make or amend or repeal laws.

Use 'legislature' in a sentence:

  1. Mrs Merkel's coalition might lose control of the state legislature and Germany's upper house.
  2. The legislature of the US government.
  3. Members of the Texas State Legislature, it's good to see you again.
  4. He hopes, for instance, that the state legislature will agree to create a body with authority to raise money for improving transport.
  5. Second, emphasizes that the legislature should magnify the protection object;
  6. In January 1983, during my swearing-in speech to the legislature, Hugh Rodham had slumped in his chair.
  7. The norms and practices of the legislature do not foster good policy-making.
  8. The theory and practice of defense law system is very important in China's law theory and the socialist legislature construction.
  9. In response to public needs, state legislatures soon passed laws in support of living wills in virtually every state in the union.
  10. That'll put pressure on the legislature.
  11. The Upper House is usually the smaller branch of a bicameral legislature.
  12. Every state legislature, except Nebraska's, has two chambers.
  13. We knew when he was in the state legislature he always voted for higher taxes.
  14. Still, the state legislature has provided plenty of drama.
  15. but the state legislature blocked any mention of natural selection.
  16. The legislature repealed the unpopular Rent Act.
  17. My boss was Tony Unpingco, a senator (and former Speaker) of the Guam Legislature. and the longest-serving senator in Guam history.
  18. The state legislature meets only in odd-numbered years, and the session runs for five months or less.
  19. The measures came days before a new legislature with a large opposition minority is due to be sworn in.
  20. Mr Schwarzenegger has already hinted at the cuts he will propose to the legislature.
  21. The Importance and Difficulties of Teacher and Education Legislature from the Perspective of Law Relationship.
  22. The legislature had its biggest fight over the school health clinics.
  23. Finally, the Californian economy in 1966 was doing fine, and nothing kept the legislature from raising taxes.
  24. In the United States there are legislatures at the local, State, and Federal levels.
  25. The legislature may impose fresh taxation on us to meet additional expenditure.
  26. Some places, such as Texas, manage well with only a part-time legislature.
  27. The Application and the Legislature of the Law of Accidental Injury during Internship.
  28. China's top legislature passed the amendment to the personal income tax law on Friday, raising minimum threshold for individual income tax from 3500 to 5000 yuan per month, or 60000 yuan per year.
  29. Secondly, it is an important lever that the legislature realized restricting of power.
  30. As soon as the legislature went home, I vetoed the bill.
  31. The Texas legislature meets for just 140 days every other year.
  32. The initial inquiry about the legislature of the light pollution prevention law.
  33. Because Maurice loved the give-and-take of politics, he was especially effective in pushing my programs in the legislature.
  34. He is pushing a prescription drug control package in the Legislature.
  35. The day before yesterday, they wanted to make me their legislature.
  36. Elected legislature the environment as it relates to living organisms.
  37. Comparative Study of the Budget Supervision of Chinese and American Local Legislatures.
  38. But the legislature of electronic commerce in China is still far from being perfect.
  39. When he came of age, Lincoln moved to New Salem, Illinois, where he held a variety of jobs, served in the legislature, and studied law.
  40. But you've also got to elect good people to your school board and state legislature,
  41. China's top legislature says it will prioritize legislation on public health this year.
  42. Most states impose limitations on the authority of the legislature to borrow money, with their objectives being to protect taxpayers and the credit of the state government.
  43. Present State of and Several Proposals for Legislature Construction of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.
  44. California’s legislature contained moderates, normal fiscal management might still be imaginable.
  45. To put the vote on the ballot the traditional way, Mr Brown needs a supermajority (two-thirds) in the legislature.
  46. Exploring the Compensation System by the Legislature.
  47. Even the remaining property-tax revenues would henceforth be allocated by the legislature in Sacramento.
  48. The Texas legislature almost passed such a change last year; a version of it is likely to pass this year.
  49. A roar of approval resounded through the legislature.
  50. Legislature for Qualification-Penalty in Criminal Law and Its Theoretical Research.
  51. Chinese legal performance evaluation is a top-down internal evaluation carried out by the legislature.
  52. I especially liked two women professors whose husbands were in the state legislature.
  53. In return for his generosity, the legislature voted that the school be named Harvard College.
  54. The proposals before the legislature include the creation of two special courts to deal exclusively with violent crimes.
  55. Only 37 years old, he has represented Orleans Parish in the state legislature since 2000.
  56. It was originally planned as a reference library for the federal legislature.
  57. His first important chance to show his mettle came when he opened the new session of the legislature.
  58. His first important chance to show his mettle came when he opened the new session of the Legislature.