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1. The property of relative size or extent.
2. A number assigned to the ratio of two quantities; two quantities are of the same order of magnitude if one is less than 10 times as large as the other; the number of magnitudes that the quantities differ is specified to within a power of 10.
3. Relative importance.

Use 'magnitude' in a sentence:

  1. " the world may never witness a ceremony of the magnitude and ingenuity as that which opens the2008 olympics," it said.
  2. America and Russia do not face a problem of the same order of magnitude as Japan.
  3. Above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent.
  4. The magnitude of the palace was unbelievable.
  5. You do not realize the magnitude of that one error.
  6. I hadn't realized the magnitude of the problem.
  7. Ministers underestimated the magnitude of the task confronting them.
  8. I want to know the magnitude of this equipment.
  9. What this study suggests is that the speed of climate shifts and the magnitude of the changes required to adapt could be much greater.
  10. We have not always understood the magnitude of your problems.
  11. The time delay would be smaller by eight orders of magnitude.
  12. Making a decision of that magnitude cannot be reduced to a formula.
  13. These are issues of great magnitude.
  14. The exponents of those dimensions found in numerical magnitude estimation predict the exponents found in magnitude production.
  15. This is a far cry from the funds necessary for a problem of such magnitude.
  16. Earthquake magnitude: 7.7.
  17. Postulating the effect is one thing; teasing it out from the cobweb of climatic feedback loops and estimating its magnitude is something else altogether.
  18. This may come to be magnitude differentials or even opposite in results.
  19. The devastating 7.9 magnitude Sichuan earthquake which killed about 90,000 people in western China.
  20. The reasons for magnitude error of digital seismograph were also analyzed.
  21. The magnitude of the leveraged purchases is hard to gauge.
  22. What is the magnitude of that angular momentum?
  23. We dropped 3 orders of magnitude.
  24. Dependable production is just as important as the magnitude of output.
  25. An explanation of the magnitude of such a dipole moment must seal explicity with two contributing factors.
  26. What we haven't known is the magnitude and severity of the problem.
  27. The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3.
  28. Scientists recorded the magnitude of the earthquake at 8.9.
  29. But the recession presents a crisis of a different magnitude.
  30. Methods of quantitative expression of magnitude and disaster condition of storm surge.
  31. It's the magnitude squared of the velocity.
  32. They are the same magnitude from different perspectives.
  33. The China Earthquake Networks Center said the magnitude was 6.5.
  34. The magnitude of the difference is 10 percent.
  35. No one seems to realise the magnitude of this problem.
  36. Can the world really afford another risk of this magnitude?
  37. The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening.
  38. Stars of the first magnitude are the brightest.
  39. It covers 40 orders of magnitude.
  40. An operation of this magnitude is going to be difficult.
  41. A decrease of this magnitude in available income is a heavy blow.
  42. That is, the regression line would tend to overestimate the magnitudes of Y.
  43. The argument is over the magnitude of the stimulus.
  44. China is an order of magnitude bigger even than Japan.
  45. Any earthquake at any distance from a calibrated seismograph is nowadays assigned a magnitude.
  46. A strong 8.2-magnitude earthquake has hit the northwest coast of Chile, killing at least six people and setting off a small tsunami.
  47. It is quite evident that a project of such magnitude cannot be completed with just a few people.
  48. There is mounting evidence that the frequency and magnitude of landsliding is changing in many parts of the world in response to climate change.
  49. We did not realize the magnitude of the problem.
  50. A vector is defined by a direction as well as a magnitude.
  51. The star varies in brightness by about three magnitudes.
  52. The problem is of the same order of magnitude for all concerned.
  53. The actual measurement is two orders of magnitude greater than we expected.