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1. For the most part.
2. More than anything else.

Use 'mainly' in a sentence:

  1. The committee ruled against all-night opening mainly on safety grounds.
  2. It is mainly because of my fault.
  3. The Paris talks will mainly be about procedural matters.
  4. Restaurants were mainly in cities.
  5. We communicated mainly by signs, gesticulation, and mime.
  6. The spacious main bedroom is mainly blue.
  7. Even today, formal verification is mainly a research area.
  8. The pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes.
  9. Their ire was directed mainly at the government.
  10. There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off.
  11. Her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion.
  12. Mainly in it there were three points over which work was to be done, that were signed between Sharif and Bhutto.
  13. It's mainly about the special drugs.
  14. The African half of the audience was mainly from Senegal or Mali.
  15. He worked mainly in New York City where living space is notoriously at a premium.
  16. I think I've been very selfish. I've been mainly concerned with myself.
  17. The stock market scandal is refusing to go away, mainly because there's still no consensus over how it should be dealt with.
  18. Every square metre of soil was used, mainly for olives, vines, and almonds.
  19. The failure of the talks was mainly due to insensitivity and mistiming.
  20. The centre aims to help disadvantaged areas of Europe, mainly by fostering new businesses.
  21. The satellite will be used mainly to relay television programmes.
  22. He let out a long sigh, mainly of relief, partly of sadness.
  23. Victory in the civil war had been achieved by a mainly volunteer army.
  24. The people cultivate mainly rice and beans.
  25. The committee is composed mainly of lawyers.
  26. It is mainly based on agriculture.
  27. The people in the hotel were mainly foreign tourists.
  28. They eat mainly fruit and nuts.
  29. Police work is mainly routine.
  30. The missiles were mainly targeted at the United States.
  31. Small birds live mainly on insects.
  32. She has a microwave, but uses it mainly for defrosting bread.
  33. The tanks were mainly constructed of steel plates.
  34. The day should be mainly dry with sunny intervals.
  35. The Earth is made mainly of iron and silicon and things like that.
  36. The parliament is composed mainly of extreme nationalists.
  37. The fashion at the time was for teaching mainly the written language.
  38. At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church.
  39. The course syllabus consisted mainly of novels by African-American authors, male and female.
  40. Mark was mainly interested in sport at school, playing rugby as well as soccer.
  41. In an orchestra, mainly.
  42. The population almost doubles in summer, mainly because of the jazz festival.
  43. We import raw materials and energy and export mainly industrial products.
  44. He raises crops mainly for the use of his family.
  45. This expression is used mainly in speech, not in writing.
  46. The target audience for this advertisement was mainly teenagers.