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1. Love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it.
2. The doctrine that your national culture and interests are superior to any other.
3. The aspiration for national independence felt by people under foreign domination.
4. The doctrine that nations should act independently (rather than collectively) to attain their goals.

Use 'nationalism' in a sentence:

  1. The economic philosophy of black nationalism is pure and simple.
  2. Nationalism of any sort repelled her.
  3. Developing Cultural Potential to Promote the Nationalism and Modernization of Chinese Art and Literature.
  4. Nationalism has indeed been a European curse.
  5. The Rise of Great Hindu Nationalism and its Origin Problem.
  6. So how do we reinforce the modern concept of nationalism?
  7. China's more commercial media have found that nationalism sells.
  8. The early 20th century witnessed the rise of nationalism in Europe.
  9. The author elaborates its nationalism from two aspects.
  10. The Relation between Economic Globalization and Economic Nationalism.
  11. The Influence of Nationalism on Liang Qichao's Thoughts of New People.
  12. On nationalism of modern advertisement culture in China.
  13. There is a long tradition of Anglophobia within Irish nationalism.
  14. The world is facing not peak oil, but a pinnacle of nationalism.
  15. The Theories of Nationalism and the Consciousness of Chinese Nation.
  16. Nationalism of Book Design from The Best Book Design in the World Award.
  17. Research on the Nationalism in Chinese Decoration Art.
  18. Yet their credo of anti-nationalism carries risks too.
  19. They care about returns, not economic nationalism.
  20. The fourth part elaborated Sun Yat-Sen the Nationalism thought primary coverage;
  21. I think we'd better leave the subject of nationalism.
  22. This is economic nationalism, but of an insidious type.
  23. Economic nationalism is growing.
  24. The Youth China Academy was one of the origins of the nationalism school.
  25. This is the common characteristic in Nationalism music.
  26. Put simply, they believe that nationalism is the greatest of evils.
  27. His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism.
  28. The religious nationalism can be felt world wide.
  29. And that, too, tends to nudge policy towards nationalism.
  30. The grip of nationalism is tightest in banking .
  31. Pan Nationalism formed Pan-Slavism in the region of Slab of East Europe.
  32. The country slipped into a dangerous mixture of nationalism and militarism.
  33. Thought of Nationalism in Writings in Classical Chinese Teaching.
  34. It is clear that imperatives other than profits or nationalism will have to compel human beings to leave their tracks on the planet's reddish surface.
  35. A truly global Internet will test our notions of nationalism.
  36. Nationalism and Individualism& Comments on Chinese and American Cultural Models.
  37. Does it represent Yeats's own early cultural nationalism and the work represented in The Wind Among the Reeds and other early poems?
  38. Periodic surges of intense Iranian economic nationalism must be understood partly as a reaction to the close relations between British business in Iran and the British government.
  39. The New Nationalism puts the national need before sectional or personal advantage.
  40. But their nationalism has a broad appeal.
  41. Modernisers say blunt old ideas of Hindu nationalism are fading.
  42. Culture characteristics show: nationalism and worldwide;
  43. Nationalism is one of the theories that promote the consciousness of Chinese nation.
  44. Nationalism has played a huge role in Russian history.
  45. This myth would eventually become an important part of German nationalism.
  46. Changes in the concept of nationalism generalized variational principles in theory of elasticity.
  47. Aerospace is one of the last redoubts of economic nationalism.
  48. Its inheritance value reflects the essence of the nationalism and time spirit.
  49. To Justify for the Concept of Nationalism Legal System.
  50. Thoughts on nationalism and office wear design.
  51. The Madrid-based media splenetically denounce Catalan nationalism.
  52. Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.
  53. This kind of fierce nationalism is a powerful and potentially volatile force.
  54. Before, you mention nationalism and…Ah, right, yes.
  55. This collection documents the different ways in which Asian governments have been pursuing economic nationalism even as they have been integrating with the world economy.
  56. The rising tide of Slovak nationalism may also help the party to win representation in parliament.