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1. Move towards.
2. Not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances.
3. Being on the left side.
4. Near in time or place or relationship.

Use 'near' in a sentence:

  1. We calculated the cost to the nearest 50 dollars.
  2. I'll think about it nearer the time.
  3. The conflict is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.
  4. His house is very near.
  5. I bought it at the jeweller's near my office.
  6. A bomb exploded somewhere near.
  7. The nearest bank is about half a mile down the road.
  8. We came near to being killed.
  9. His stables are near Oxford.
  10. They vanished into the haze near the horizon.
  11. Gunmen guarded homes near the cemetery with shotguns.
  12. It was a great convenience to have the school so near.
  13. My birthday is very near Christmas.
  14. He was near tears.
  15. Cecil inherited a family property near Stamford.
  16. It's great to have friends living so near.
  17. Time was cracking on and we were nowhere near finished.
  18. Is there a stationer's near here?
  19. Do you live near here?
  20. Is there a gents near here?
  21. He looked mournful, even near to tears.
  22. The exams are drawing near.
  23. Her retirement is drawing near.
  24. She supervised the children playing near the pool.
  25. Visitors came from near and far.
  26. Police found fragments of glass near the scene.
  27. There were about 3 000 people there, as near as I could judge.
  28. She was nearing the end of her life.
  29. He should have won the match ─ it was a near miss.
  30. For almost a month he lay near death.
  31. The guerrillas ambushed them near the bridge.
  32. GPS operates best near the equator.
  33. Where's the nearest bridge across the river?
  34. The election proved to be a near disaster for the party.
  35. The nearest star to earth is about 4 light years away.
  36. It was near the junction of City Road and Old Street.
  37. Don't put that glass so near the edge of the table.
  38. He scored two goals and had another two near misses.
  39. The house was near a park but there was a road in between.
  40. Can you drop me near the bank?
  41. We've found a great new restaurant near the office.
  42. We're looking for a new house, preferably one near the school.
  43. We unreasonably expect near perfect behaviour from our children.
  44. We camped in a field near the village.
  45. We camped near the beach.
  46. I specifically told you not to go near the water!
  47. There was a shooting incident near here last night.
  48. I'm as near certain as can be.
  49. There are many places of interest near the city.
  50. The kids were playing on waste ground near the school.
  51. Keep the list of numbers near the phone for easy reference.
  52. They are nowhere near good enough.
  53. The job doesn't pay anywhere near enough for me.
  54. We've been here twenty years, near enough.
  55. There was nowhere near enough for everybody.