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1. A situation, an event, etc. that makes it difficult for you to do or achieve something.
2. Something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted.
3. An obstruction that stands in the way (and must be removed or surmounted or circumvented).

obstacleobstacle Image.

Similar: damp

Use 'obstacle' in a sentence:

  1. He put every obstacle in my way.
  2. His car hit an obstacle yesterday in the competition.
  3. There's no formidable obstacles in the world.
  4. What would you say is the biggest obstacle today to putting structures, equipment, people…anything really, into space?
  5. These researchers, influenced by Robert Heilbroner's now outdated development theory, tend to view nontechnological development as an obstacle to progress.
  6. Perhaps the greatest obstacle to friendship in marriage is the amount a couple usually see of each other.
  7. Another obstacle is inertia.
  8. To him, it was the biggest obstacle.
  9. But that wasn't the only obstacle we had to overcome as a couple — we also lived four and a half hours away from one another.
  10. The obstacles confronting the organization are enormous.
  11. Terrorism is an obstacle to peace.
  12. This should not present an obstacle to the development of good relations between our two countries.
  13. Cost is no obstacle for Missy's mysterious billionaire owner; he's put up $3.7 million so far to fund A&M's research.
  14. They may assume that the sea is just another such swimmable obstacle.
  15. The bigger obstacle is the deficit.
  16. A lack of qualifications can be a major obstacle to finding a job.
  17. An obstacle, setback or delay means only one thing: it's not time for your goal to be completed yet.
  18. Every form of deception and every obstacle baffled the Allied commission.
  19. The agreement removes the last serious obstacle to the signing of the arms treaty.
  20. The wheel is designed with obstacles in the ball's path to randomise its movement.
  21. What if there is a major obstacle standing in your way?
  22. He is easily discouraged by difficulties and obstacles.
  23. It was another obstacle he had to go over.
  24. The biggest obstacle is the ranchers themselves, whose cattle compete with prairie dogs and bison for grass and space.
  25. The second obstacle is Apple.
  26. In the full flush of youth, nothing was an obstacle.
  27. Jack worked as hard as he could to build his business, but he hadn't figured on a few obstacles.
  28. Time, I realize, is the biggest obstacle to cooking for most people.
  29. The problem of knowing what Afghans think is an obstacle more generally.
  30. Most competition cars will only roll over if they hit an obstacle.
  31. The falls have always been an insurmountable obstacle for salmon and sea trout.
  32. That obstacle has been removed.
  33. With a promise to deliver this message, the doctor was just hastening out, when he encountered an obstacle.
  34. Power shortages were becoming a serious obstacle to growth.
  35. She is easily discouraged/ demoralized by obstacles.
  36. It may be an obstacle to expanding one's connections.
  37. When short waves are sent out and meet an obstacle, they are reflected.
  38. She is an adept rock-climber and a past master of the obstacle course.
  39. He would dive under one obstacle, round another, and lightly step over a third.
  40. The first obstacle is novelty.
  41. In the corridors he let her navigate her own way round the trolleys and other obstacles.
  42. So far, we have managed to overcome all the obstacles that have been placed in our path.
  43. They had to overcome formidable obstacles.
  44. To succeed, you must learn to overcome obstacles.
  45. Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade.
  46. Distance therefore poses no obstacle to the globalisation of the disk-drive industry.
  47. The Church of England put a serious obstacle in the path of women who want to become priests.
  48. "Many parents fear that their language is an obstacle, a problem, and if they abandon it their children will integrate better," says Antonella Sorace of the University of Edinburgh.
  49. Creative people are usually very determined and thrive on overcoming obstacles.
  50. The game had a single inviolable rule: obstacles were to be overcome, not circumvented.
  51. Overcrowding remains a large obstacle to improving conditions.
  52. The area was full of streams and bogs and other natural obstacles.
  53. The Government seems to have created a more demanding obstacle course for aspiring students than ever before.
  54. A further obstacle has presented itself, however.