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1. Filled to capacity.
2. Pressed together or compressed.

Use 'packed' in a sentence:

  1. They packed and checked out of the hotel.
  2. We all packed together into one car.
  3. The first night crowd packed the building.
  4. Thousands of refugees are packed into overcrowded towns and villages.
  5. Some factors are environmental ( packed planes, teeming gates);
  6. The train was jam-packed with commuters.
  7. I packed and said goodbye to Charlie.
  8. A packed professional lifestyle is not conducive to an elegant one.
  9. You seem to have packed a lot into your life!
  10. The game was played to a packed grandstand.
  11. Hundreds of people packed into the mosque.
  12. The venue was packed with 3 000 clubbers.
  13. She wiggled her toes against the packed sand.
  14. The fax machine's packed up again.
  15. The restaurant was packed.
  16. My suitcase was packed tight.
  17. The sandwich bar is generally packed at lunchtimes.
  18. I'm all packed and ready to go.
  19. Waiters glide between tightly packed tables bearing trays of pasta.
  20. The place is packed at lunchtime.
  21. The bomb was packed with several pounds of high explosive.
  22. Fans packed the hall to see the band.
  23. He packed a few things into a bag.
  24. Over 80 000 fans packed into the stadium to watch the final.
  25. I haven't packed my suitcase yet.
  26. He packed a bag with a few things and was off.
  27. The show played to packed houses.
  28. I've packed you some food for the journey.
  29. I carefully packed up the gifts.
  30. The book is packed with information.
  31. She packed her few belongings in a bag and left.
  32. A production of 'Carmen' was playing to packed houses.
  33. I haven't packed yet.
  34. The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US.
  35. My parents always packed me off to bed early.
  36. She packed a change of clothes for the weekend.
  37. We packed away the summer clothes.
  38. She packed one change of underwear.
  39. The stores are packed solid at this time of year.