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1. Aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are.
2. Representing what is real; not abstract or ideal.
3. Of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of realism.

Use 'realistic' in a sentence:

  1. Social security is the most imminent and realistic issue the people care about.
  2. These artists did not use a realistic style of painting.
  3. Both are useful techniques for developing realistic characters.
  4. Drawing should be redefined as a realistic illusion.
  5. Could you please be a bit more realistic?
  6. Even though a lot of the actions that occurred are pretty fantastic, so you'd never think of it as realistic.
  7. Another way of setting realistic goals is to analyze your short and long term objectives, keeping in mind your beliefs, values and strengths .
  8. Though one should have dreams, it's not realistic to exist on dreams.
  9. This is a more realistic way of doing things.
  10. A realistic depiction of scenes from everyday domestic life.
  11. Those realistic possibilities are highlighted in the study presented by David Graddol.
  12. A more realistic figure is eleven million.
  13. We mistakenly think of "good" drawings as those which work as recreations of the real world, as realistic illusions.
  14. Traditional artists always did their artwork in a studio and their paintings were realistic. They looked exactly like the real world.
  15. To truly tackle the problem of traffic congestion, we need more realistic solutions.
  16. The virtual assistant became so advanced and realistic that the students didn't know she was a computer.
  17. They have too weak a team to mount a realistic challenge for the championship.
  18. In his backyard, Wendy Roswell of Swaves West, Cambridge, England, witnessed a realistic version of "Tom and Jerry".
  19. That means we need modest, realistic expectations, and we need to teach people to cook food that's good enough to share with family and friends.
  20. Training includes realistic simulation of casualty procedures.
  21. Stop daydreaming and be realistic.
  22. We must be realistic in our self-estimation, neither being conceited nor belittling ourselves.
  23. This means: be realistic about yourself and others.
  24. We are now far more sober and realistic.
  25. I hated to put any dents in his enthusiasm, but I was trying to be realistic.
  26. How realistic is the dream?
  27. I can commend it to him as a realistic course of action.
  28. In about 1930, Calder turned from realistic wire figures to abstract ones.
  29. He's realistic enough to know he's not going to succeed overnight.
  30. The design objective and the business commitment were to sportswear, and the distinctive traits were problem-solving ingenuity and realistic lifestyle applications.
  31. Establish deadlines that are more realistic.
  32. "If we can help to direct students to more of these types of campuses and help students to understand them to be realistic and accessible places, have them apply to these schools at greater frequency and ultimately get in and enroll, we are going to raise the success rate," Rubinoff said, citing a variety of colleges ranging from large state institutions to smaller private schools.
  33. Police have to be realistic about violent crime.
  34. We need more realistic solutions to truly tackle traffic congestion.
  35. The language is foul and the violence horribly realistic.
  36. A more realistic figure is 11 million.
  37. You must set realistic aims and objectives for yourself.
  38. We must set realistic goals.
  39. These proposals represent a realistic starting point for negotiation.
  40. Multi-party elections are scheduled for sometime next year but many doubt that this is a realistic goal.
  41. That makes Shapiro optimistic, but also realistic.
  42. We have to be realistic about our chances of winning.
  43. He does not have any realistic chance of winning the election.
  44. He expressed his appreciation for what he called Saudi Arabia's moderate and realistic oil policies.
  45. It is not realistic to expect people to spend so much money.
  46. It's only realistic to acknowledge that something, some time, will go wrong.
  47. We try to make these training courses as realistic as possible.
  48. Pictures should be in focus, with realistic colours and well composed groups.
  49. To make the training realistic the simulation operates in real time.