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1. The act of removing.
2. Dismissal from office.

removalremoval Image.

Use 'removal' in a sentence:

  1. In the best performance, color removal was 92.1%, and basic rose red was decomposed completely.
  2. Environmental groups now have a very good chance of forcing the removal of two major dams, the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado and the Hetch Hetchy Dam in Yosemite.
  3. Egoistic suicide is the death for the removal of the self due to or justified by the lack of ties to others.
  4. Government originally planned to remove the Elwha and Glines Dams in Washington, the enormous expense of removal has resulted in a postponement of this effort.
  5. The Effect And Safety Evaluation of Diode Laser for Hair Removal.
  6. Evaluation method of economic benefit on sand control and sand removal oil producing.
  7. The removal of ultrafine particles from coal combustion was investigated experimentally based on condensations vaporwet scrubber.
  8. Your home colleagues—your family—have no clear rewards for their labor; they need to be talked into it, or if they're teenagers, threatened with complete removal of all electronic devices.
  9. They were in the furniture removal business.
  10. Earwax removal is sometimes necessary.
  11. After the removal of the soup, fish was served.
  12. The other group maintains that recent human activities ranging from physical coral destruction through pollution to predator removal have triggered these events.
  13. The removal of trade barriers means a lot to that country.
  14. Removal of the central post left the roof unsupported.
  15. Nearby Malaysia may have the right to order the wreck's removal, the newspaper said.
  16. Installation and removal of applications happen in the data center.
  17. They rejected a demand for the removal of all nuclear weapons from UK soil.
  18. Technical Progress of High Temperature Gas Dust Removal and Development of Material.
  19. The next day was appointed for the removal of the new-married couple.
  20. You may discover that rather than just being one more yard service, you have a unique opportunity in stump removal.
  21. A good deal of his blustering spirit seemed to have evaporated with the removal of his fine panoply.
  22. Would the removal prove fatal to him by causing some internal injury?
  23. Study on material removal theoretical model of zone polishing technology.
  24. Parliament had decided that his removal from power was illegal.
  25. Home removals are best done in cool weather.
  26. The increased pressures of expanding populations have led to the removal of woody plants, so that many cities and towns are surrounded by large areas completely lacking in trees and shrubs.
  27. I speak to them about life's greatest rewards waiting in the removal of soap scum from the bathtub, which hasn't been properly cleaned since the first snowfall.
  28. Removal of BaP from the trachea was prevented by fixing the implanted pellet within the wall of the airway.
  29. A tall, thin man was waving his arms in an effort to direct the movements of a large removal van.
  30. Principles, features and applications of nitrogen removal processes from wastewater.
  31. The removal of organic micropollutant from drinking water has become a crucial problem.
  32. Investigation of Ca Removal Method During APT Production by Ion Exchange Process.
  33. Novel Processing System Design for Removal of Rail Squeezing out of Edge.
  34. Check that your insurance policy covers breakages and damage during removals.
  35. Strains require special treatments for removal such as spotting with organic solvents.
  36. In some cases, asking for removal results in more attention being brought to the images.
  37. All now buildings must be made accessible, and existing facilities must remove barriers if the removal can be accomplished without much difficulty or expense.
  38. The immediate batch will require deodorization to char the protein material to facilitate removal in bleaching.
  39. The removal of petty restrictions has made life easier.
  40. The removal of dams remains controversial because of high restoration costs, loss of low-cost electricity, and the loss of water storage facilities.
  41. Re-adsorption under the conditions ibidem got the removal ratio 80% indicated that the material can be utilized for several times.
  42. Downtime due to worm removal from networks cost close to $450 million.
  43. They rejected a demand for the removal of all nuclear weapons.
  44. The rebels would not be happy with anything other than the complete removal of the current regime.
  45. What they expected to be the removal of a small lump turned out to be major surgery.
  46. When our Sun later became hotter, the continued removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane by early bacteria kept Earth's climate from becoming too hot to sustain life.
  47. There is no certainty that the president's removal would end the civil war.
  48. I had laser hair removal for my bikini line and realised that not everyone might be like me.
  49. The trout-removal service is funded by the rod license, so anglers should pat themselves on the back for saving this last remaining indigenous strain.
  50. A single currency was accepted as the logical extension to removal of these trade barriers.
  51. When are the removal men coming?
  52. As operating licenses come up for renewal, dam removal and habitat restoration to original stream flows will be among the options considered.
  53. Amniocentesis is the removal of fluid from the amniotic sac.
  54. Approved April 24, 1800, the act of Congress that made provision for the removal of the government of the United States to the new federal city, Washington, D.C.
  55. Removal of excess heat is accomplished by means of a radiator.
  56. Clearance of the site required the removal of a number of trees.