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1. Close-fitting hosiery to cover the foot and leg; come in matched pairs (usually used in the plural.
2. The activity of supplying a stock of something.
3. Wearing stockings.

Use 'stocking' in a sentence:

  1. All the shops are now stocking up for Christmas.
  2. If you're good , Santa Claus will put toys and candy in your stocking.
  3. Her stocking had a ladder in it.
  4. It's a red stocking.
  5. He sterangled his victim with a nylon stocking.
  6. She has a run in her stocking.
  7. After stocking up with water and food, the two men hurried back to the valley.
  8. A suspender strap with fastener attached to a girdle belt to hold up a woman's stocking.
  9. You're never too old to enjoy a Christmas stocking.
  10. Presents are in my stocking.
  11. We are a professional company selling and stocking bearings.
  12. She has just cast on, and it will be some time before she finishes the stocking.
  13. Later we will introduce some of his unique artwork of silk stocking flower in our blog.
  14. It clawed a hole in my stocking.
  15. This is nothing wrong with you and the stocking , but the effect of preconception.
  16. He strangled her with a nylon stocking.
  17. I put the stocking here.
  18. It went into a stocking that a little girl had hung by the fireplace to dry!
  19. Something likes stocking is on the ground.
  20. I have a ladder in my stocking.
  21. Yeah, hop in bed, honey, stocking will be full of presents tomorrow morning.
  22. Santa Claus fills each stocking with presents on Christmas Eve.
  23. My stocking is broken.
  24. She ran her silk stocking on a nail last night.
  25. I can't find my stocking.
  26. Fits in a stocking, too.
  27. I worked stocking shelves in a grocery store.
  28. They put small presents in each other's stocking.
  29. It's made of a long stocking.
  30. She stands six feet in her stocking.
  31. I had a ladder in my stocking.
  32. New Yorkers have been stocking up with bottled water.
  33. Small gifts are always hid in stocking.
  34. He noticed a wrinkle in her stocking.
  35. My stocking has a run.
  36. David found a fantastic toy car in the stocking.
  37. My stocking is always full of presents at Christmas.
  38. She put her stocking on.
  39. Turn the stocking outside in.
  40. We put a stocking on our beds.
  41. He went to bed with his stocking on.
  42. Alice has a blue stocking.
  43. Two faces grotesquely disfigured in nylon stocking masks looked through the window.
  44. The thief masked his face with a stocking.
  45. I found a book in my stocking last year.
  46. She came bringing the stocking she was always knitting when she was doing nothing else.
  47. Some stores are bowing to consumer pressure and stocking organically grown vegetables.
  48. The mocker knocked the stock with the knots on the stocking and sock.
  49. Her mother gives her a stocking cap as a gift.
  50. The bank robber wears a stocking mask.
  51. The robbers were wearing stocking masks.
  52. Some shops are bowing to consumer pressure and stocking organically grown vegetables.
  53. I worked stocking shelves in a grocery shop.
  54. Start planning for Christmas now by stocking up the freezer with some festive dishes.