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1. Of or belonging to them.

Use 'theirs' in a sentence:

  1. Both England and the US said the island was theirs.
  2. Theirs had been an increasingly attenuated relationship.
  3. He would leave the trailer unlocked. If there was something inside that someone wanted, it would be theirs for the taking.
  4. Theirs is a respectable family.
  5. Whoever lifts the trophy will know that theirs has been a hard-earned victory.
  6. Are these dictionaries yours or theirs?
  7. These boxes are theirs.
  8. On some days, they come over to our house and on other days, we go over to theirs.
  9. Our team triumphed over theirs.
  10. Theirs was the most successful wartime code ever used.
  11. Theirs had been a happy and satisfactory marriage.
  12. Theirs is the gift of a broad mind, constantly fed with the stimulant of being interested in what everyone else is doing.
  13. Those balls aren't theirs.
  14. "I think you could help to wash Mom's and Dad's cars," Greg said, "Some of the neighbors could pay you to wash theirs, too."
  15. When you raise your voice, they raise theirs.
  16. While the whitest currently available paints reflect between 80 and 90 per cent of sunlight, these researchers say theirs reflects more than 98 per cent.
  17. I joined my wail to theirs, loud and bitter.
  18. Can you bear to hear any opinions contrary to theirs?
  19. Environmentalists offer theirs, which too often amount to naive wish lists that could weaken American's growth.
  20. The ship is theirs.
  21. Last year our factory's output was less than theirs, but this year we've caught up with them.
  22. Our company used to do business with theirs.
  23. The carrots are theirs.
  24. This child is nobody's child until someone makes her theirs officially.
  25. At last they implored him to go away and attend to his own affairs and leave them to mind theirs.
  26. The last tip is to let the other person feel like the idea was theirs.
  27. In extreme cases, they may greet siblings as strangers and struggle to discern which child is theirs at school pick-up time.
  28. How can we match our generosity against theirs?
  29. Our classroom is on the second floor, and theirs is on the third floor.
  30. I have an idea cross to theirs.
  31. After all, theirs is an industry based on algorithms.
  32. They began to bring their friends, and theirs brought more friends.
  33. The house is theirs just as much as ours.
  34. It sometimes happens naturally, but the chances are very small that your neighbors will be your choices friends or that you will be theirs, either.
  35. We will fight to the bitter end to ensure our children get what is rightfully theirs.
  36. As in other research, women in our sample tend to over-perceive their weight they think they're heavier than they are while men tend to under-perceive theirs.
  37. Business Chinese learners which under different categories, theirs situation is different.
  38. He would leave the trailer unlocked. If there was something inside someone wanted, it would be theirs for the taking.
  39. Ours and theirs are sister schools.
  40. The time of our English class and theirs coincide.
  41. There was a big group of a dozen people at the table next to theirs.
  42. When the next termite finds that grain, they drop theirs too.
  43. Japan's higher education is superior to theirs.
  44. Now they are returning to claim what was theirs.
  45. Theirs are the children with very fair hair.
  46. It's a favourite game of theirs.
  47. Our children go to the same school as theirs.
  48. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
  49. She shouldn't restrain her anger at this insensible attitude of theirs.
  50. It would cost about £ 3,000 to install a new heating system in a flat such as theirs.
  51. We must coordinate our operations with theirs.
  52. It was a neighbourly gesture of theirs.