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1. A unit of weight equivalent to 1000 kilograms.

Use 'tonne' in a sentence:

  1. From ancient oak forests to centuries-old groves1 of ash or beech2, they provide a refuge for wildlife, including butterflies, birds and insects, and lock up millions of tonnes of carbon.
  2. Nickel gained 4 per cent at$ 16,750 a tonne.
  3. That revealed that up to 21 million tonnes of microplastic is floating in those upper layers of the ocean.
  4. Production this year could top 3m tonnes.
  5. A 30-tonne (33-ton) chunk of ice broke off from the Tasman Glacier, and slid into Tasman Lake.
  6. Each tonne of fuel burned also produces 3.2 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
  7. A megajoule is equivalent to the energy released when a one-tonne vehicle slams into a wall at 160kmh.
  8. If the MTVL passes muster it will join Canada's rubber-tracked 20-tonne M113 APCs in Afghanistan.
  9. Today's 2nd generation imager has 12 channels; it's a 2-tonne class spacecraft.
  10. And wherever they drift, they can have a major influence on their immediate2 environment, changing the temperature of the sea and introducing billions of tonnes of fresh water.
  11. He forecast Chinese crude steel production of 505m-510m tonnes this year.
  12. 70,000 tonnes of oil spilled from the tanker.
  13. If all goes to plan, the 1.5-tonne satellite should be flying over the pockmarked lunar surface November 11.
  14. 5 tonnes of water is polluted for every tonne of coal mined.
  15. The planned 3rd generation imager will be a 3-tonne satellite; it will have 16 channels.
  16. Spot prices are currently near$ 200 a tonne.
  17. The research team from the University of California, Santa Barbara, estimates a total of 5.6 million tonnes has been shed in this way, just over half of which has gone into water bodies.
  18. Prices are still well above their pre-crisis average of$ 250 a tonne.
  19. By the late 19th century, kola nuts were being shipped by the tonne to Europe and the US.
  20. But what these tonnes of microscopic4 fragments show is that decades of plastic pollution has been washed from rivers or even blown on the wind into the ocean.
  21. But that still left the price of a tonne of carbon dioxide comfortably above its lowest level last year.
  22. The $200 price is in line with current analysts' expectations after spot prices surged to $220-$240 a tonne.
  23. Sand prices, which peaked at over S$60 ($43) a tonne in 2007, have fallen during the slowdown.
  24. Thirty-tonne trucks have finished spreading lime fertiliser to reduce the acidity of the soil.
  25. The company aims to produce 30m tonnes by the end of 2012.
  26. C. "Metric Tonne" means a tonne equivalent to 1000 kilogram.
  27. When the station docks with both manned and cargo spacecraft, its weight could reach nearly 100 tonnes.
  28. The IEA, for example, predicts CCS will cost just $35-60 per tonne of emissions reductions by 2030.
  29. At 15 euro ($22) a tonne the price is high enough to induce power companies to switch some generation from coal to ga.
  30. Since 1995 Dow has reduced the amount of water it uses per tonne of output by over a third.
  31. China's annual grain output remained above 650 million tonnes for five consecutive years during the 13th Five-Year Plan ( 2016-2020) period, but food waste has been a lingering problem that poses a potential threat to the country's food security.
  32. My clothes were heavy, my shoes weighed a tonne.
  33. Nickel followed, topping $26,000 a tonne for the first time.
  34. The ship displaces 58 000 tonnes.
  35. The Falcon will need almost a tonne of HTP pushed through it, which is the job of the F1 engine.
  36. It traded as low as$ 380 a tonne last year.
  37. The world's total demand for lubricating oil in 2004 was 37.8 million tonnes.
  38. The reduction is a 95 per cent drop from 3,000 tonnes a decade ago.
  39. "Metric tonne or MT" means a tonne equivalent to 1,000 Kilogram.
  40. It does not cost much to scrape it up, and the expense comes in moving costs from mine to market. Even so, Australia can produce iron ore for $25 a tonne.
  41. Early humans seem to have played a major role in finishing offnine other mammal species that weighed over a tonne.
  42. Every tonne of coal contains, on average, 30 kilograms of nitrogen.
  43. Standing held the title, according to Guinness World Records. A total of 4860 tonnes of sand make up the intricately decorated structure, which is reminiscent of a pyramid, in the small seaside town of Blokhus.
  44. Even a slender diplodocus, once believed to have tipped the scales at five and a half tonnes when alive, has lost a tonne and a half from its weight.
  45. Our cars pump out thousands of tonnes of poisonous fumes every year.
  46. The space station will be a T shape with the core module at the center and a lab capsule on each side. Each module will be over 20 tonnes.
  47. The core module, Tianhe, has a total length of 16.6 meters, a maximum diameter of 4.2 meters and a takeoff mass of 22.5 tonnes, and is the largest spacecraft developed by China.
  48. Top quality Thai rice fetched$ 340 a tonne.
  49. They mill 1,000 tonnes of flour a day in every Australian state.
  50. The study showed that a single new desktop machine created emissions of almost half a tonne during its manufacture.
  51. Their initial calculations and scale-model wind-tunnel experiments convinced them they wouldn't need a strong wind to lift the 33.5-tonne column.
  52. A million tonnes of untreated sewage is dumped into the sea.
  53. The largest stones weigh over five tonnes apiece.
  54. The facility recently recorded finding 1,890 grammes of gold per tonne of ash from incinerated sludge.
  55. Up to 10 million tonnes of toxic wastes are produced every year in the UK.