Definition: 1. A slow pace of running. 2. A literal translation used in studying a foreign language (often used illicitly. 3. A gait faster than a walk; diagonally opposite legs strike the ground together. 4. Run at a moderately swift pace. 5. Ride at a trot. 6. Cause to trot.
trot Image.
Use 'trot' in a sentence:
They trot out a plausible theory with computer models to go with it. I couldn't help smiling as I watched him trot down the alley. Sales of new cars rose in May for the second month on the trot . Some girl students are trotting after the attractive young man. The natural paces of the horse include the walk, the trot and the gallop. A small shabby man was trotting beside Bardi trying to get his attention. As they started up again, the horse broke into a brisk trot . We trot out the old Blair mantra from memory. Would you trot down the street barefoot, or are you all about running with sturdy, thick-soled shoes. Wilbur trotted over to the darkest corner of his pen and threw himself down. A horse that trots , especially one trained for harness racing. She came trotting down the steps from the museum. We rode at a spanking trot . He's devotion keeps my girls on a benevolent leash, one that hangs quietly at their side as they trot along but occasionally yanks them back to safety and solid ground. Dad comes up from the basement in his gimpy comic trot , concerned, takes a bullet in the chest, drops to his knees, takes one in the head, and that's that. Here--hurry up, trot ahead--I'll haul the wagon for you. They are not asked whether they wear their T-shirts for three days on the trot . The two men began to trot along the sand. She would happily trot behind him as he set off to commune with nature. When the two armies come together, they come together in a trot . The horse began to trot . Alan took the reins and the small horse started trotting. She set the little creature down, and felt quite relieved to see it trot away quietly into the wood. As soon as they smelled grass, the cows broke into a trot . Pete got on his horse and started trotting across the field. The horse broke into a brisk trot . They are not, however, asked whether they wear their T-shirts for three days on the trot . You can't arrive to do business in Beijing and trot out English — that won't do. They've now won three games on the trot . My father used to trot ME down for a visit. He walked briskly, but without breaking into a trot . I've been on the trot all day. They trotted out the same old excuses for the lack of jobs in the area. They passed me at a trot . Anne trotted obediently beside her mother. These fashionable felines are hot to trot - as they model a series of incredible kitty outfits. Potter started on a trot that quickly increased to a run. The horse slowed to a trot . The twins trotted into their room. She lost five games on the trot . He whipped the horse to trot; he hoped he could visit the village soon. They trotted along behind him. Step 5: Trot over to the toolbar and grab the History Brush (circled in red below). Her horse broke into a trot . He trotted to the truck and switched on the ignition. Nothing happened. Your twenty leagues all at a full trot , and in less than eight hours. The trot should show free, active and regular steps. It was the trot of a horse; Cathy's dance stopped, and in a minute the horse stopped also. Was it really necessary to trot out the same old stereotypes about Ireland? Most critters bounce on the balls of their feet, think cats and dogs, while others trot on their toes, like horses and deer. The girl broke into a trot and disappeared around the corner. The horse started off at a steady trot . I trotted down the steps and out to the shed. The guide led the way and we trotted along behind him. Eighty horses trotted up. The children trotted into the room. The riders came trotting down the lane.