Home » words » vain example sentences



1. Unproductive of success.
2. That does not produce the result you want.
3. If you describe a hope that something will happen as a vain hope, you mean that there is no chance of it happening.
4. If people are vain, they are only concerned with how they look.

Use 'vain' in a sentence:

  1. Their blood was not shed in vain.
  2. I am not a vain creature.
  3. If we have not peace within ourselves, it is in vain to seek it from outward sources.
  4. Rebecca is so vain that she looks at herself in every mirror.
  5. I was singing in a vain effort to cheer him up.
  6. I took several deep breaths in a very vain attempt to calm myself.
  7. He wanted the world to know that he didn't die in vain.
  8. That man is so vain, all he cares about is his appearance.