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1. One who has lived in a village most of their life.

Use 'villager' in a sentence:

  1. It is reported that a wild tiger suddenly went into a village and hurt a villager in Heilongjiang Province.
  2. "You can find evidence in radiocarbon for David being a villager in Norway in the sixth century A.D.!
  3. At seven in the evening, the gentleman heard a knock at the door, the villager opened the door.
  4. He asked a villager if he could stay in his house for a night.
  5. The report said the AgBank officers had agreed to make a loan to a villager named Wang Jian for his livestock farm.
  6. Four men a villager told me were taken to the hospital in Mpika for treatment after the raid.
  7. Ren Jinxiang, Hunan Villager, said, "Our rice field is over there, all under water.
  8. “It shows how wealthy some of them are,” a villager explains.
  9. We wanted to tell her so many things - about our village and our life," villager Haseena Ansari said.
  10. Reports are coming in of the forcible resettlement of villagers from the countryside into towns.
  11. The flood imperiled/ endangered the villagers' lives.
  12. Villagers still have to draw their water from wells.
  13. At dawn, a villager walked clockwise around a white stupa, set high up over the valley.
  14. It did not take long for the villager to discover that the snake had become harmless.
  15. Those fast asleep villagers were woken up by terrible screams.
  16. Zhang Desheng, Hunan Villager, said, "My field is low-lying."
  17. On a Sunday, a villager finds the key to its huge red wooden outer gate to show a rare foreign visitor around.
  18. The villagers on the remote island have been dreaming of tunnelling under the sea.
  19. The villagers lived in fear of being conscripted at any time.
  20. A villager walks near his old home in the village of Muslyumovo, where many such houses have now been abandoned.
  21. On April 23, local police received a report that a tiger had been found in an abandoned house in Linhu village of Mishan, and had hurt a female villager working on a farm.
  22. The villagers spoke French.
  23. Article 30 State organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions as well as towns and villages may set up obligatory fire brigade consisting of working staff or villager based on need.
  24. These villagers are guerrilla sympathizers.
  25. The villager cooked him food and gave him a room to stay.
  26. The villagers are rationed to two litres of water a day.
  27. “For every African villager whose life has been transformed by debt cancellation,” she sighed, “that is our legacy.”
  28. When we later walked down the main street of the villager, we were followed by a silent procession of children.
  29. Most of the villagers in that area have to fight against hunger due to lack of food.
  30. The villager is convinced that those foreign tourists will turn back because that road is being repaired.
  31. Barely any of the villagers can read or write.
  32. Up jumped a villager, crying "What luck!"
  33. I'm Villager Number Six.
  34. The villagers are royalist to the core.
  35. Li Guoqing, a sixty-year-old villager says, "Thanks to the government, great changes have taken place in the countryside."
  36. Mr Zhang refused to talk to your correspondent and yelled at him for trying to interview a villager on the street.
  37. Apparently he was killed and eaten by a local villager.
  38. A villager, working hundreds of miles away from home, buys a cell-phone refill card with his earnings.
  39. Villagers decked the streets with bunting.
  40. Laban Talam, a 30-year-old villager, has a smile on his face.
  41. The villagers sold a wild stretch of land.
  42. "Our problems are temporary," one villager responded. "the Olympics are for the national community."
  43. A merry crowd of villagers watched the proceedings.
  44. The villagers were evacuated because of flood.
  45. Villagers petitioned the local government to provide more convenient medical services.
  46. Most villagers took communion only at Easter.
  47. It was on 24th June 1981 that young villagers first reported seeing the Virgin Mary in a vision.
  48. We villagers built that ourselves, we had no help from anyone.
  49. The villagers piped in drinking water from the reservoir.
  50. The villagers sentenced one man to five lashes for stealing a ham from his neighbor.
  51. The need for villagers to control their own destinies has prompted a new plan.
  52. They're using villagers to keep an eye on each other, to spy on each other.
  53. Soon the villagers couldn't afford to buy food for themselves.
  54. Most villagers there rear cattle.
  55. The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid.
  56. Villagers say the fence would restrict public access to the hills.