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1. Almost or very nearly, so that any slight difference is not important.
2. By the use of computer software that makes something appear to exist; using virtual reality technology.

Use 'virtually' in a sentence:

  1. It was virtually impossible to synchronize our lives so as to take vacations and weekends together.
  2. This show, too, was virtually sold out before it opened.
  3. He knew virtually nothing about music but he could smell a hit.
  4. The two words are virtually interchangeable.
  5. The three bombs were virtually identical.
  6. Street crime is virtually endemic in large cities.
  7. Most developers reserve the right to turn down a property they think is virtually unsaleable.
  8. They are controlling so much cocoa that they are virtually monopolizing the market.
  9. The city has been virtually paralysed by sudden snowstorms.
  10. The country has become virtually ungovernable.
  11. Last night's resounding victory over Birmingham City has virtually assured them of promotion.
  12. The carnival got off to a virtually trouble-free start with the police reporting only one arrest.
  13. Its members had come out virtually unanimously against the tests.
  14. It would have been virtually impossible to research all the information.
  15. For many years prices have remained virtually unchanged.
  16. Fishing is possible in virtually any weather.
  17. The approach has virtually ended cigarette sales to minors.
  18. Its vineyards are virtually contiguous with those of Ausone.
  19. I was amazed that virtually all the things I took for granted up north just didn't happen in Savannah.
  20. Polio has been virtually eradicated in Brazil.
  21. Virtually every woman in the '20s swooned over Valentino.
  22. In less than two hours Cohen capitulated to virtually every demand.
  23. Virtually all cooking was done over coal-fired ranges.
  24. She eulogized him virtually right up to their sudden break-up.
  25. Joanna spent most of her twenties virtually estranged from her father.
  26. The old Dutch fort with its thick high walls looks virtually impregnable.
  27. My mother was an amazing woman. She raised four of us kids virtually singlehandedly.
  28. The journalists found a city virtually under siege.
  29. Local production virtually eliminates transport costs.
  30. "the survival of the fittest," a slogan that virtually preempted all debate.
  31. The human spirit is virtually indestructible.
  32. Using traditional methods poor farmers can be virtually self-sufficient.
  33. A hundred years ago coronary heart disease was virtually unknown in Europe and America.
  34. Their legal rights are virtually nil.
  35. The author is virtually unknown outside Poland.
  36. Amongst the population at large the support for the present regime is virtually zero.
  37. A few years ago it was virtually impossible to find superior quality coffee in local shops.
  38. He virtually admitted he was guilty.
  39. Last year's profits were virtually wiped out.
  40. This new material is virtually unbreakable.
  41. The sound is virtually undetectable to the human ear.
  42. Majid's writing was virtually indecipherable.
  43. This year's results are virtually the same as last year's.
  44. The primitive surgery of those days left him virtually deaf in one ear.
  45. Valentino was virtually deified by legions of female fans.
  46. A lot of contemporary music is virtually inaccessible.
  47. It has remained virtually unchanged since time immemorial.