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1. Governmental provision of economic assistance to persons in need.
2. Something that aids or promotes well-being.
3. A contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous.

Use 'welfare' in a sentence:

  1. Unsupported mothers are one of the fastest-growing groups of welfare claimants.
  2. We're concerned about your spiritual welfare.
  3. In the past four years, welfare rolls in Athens County have been cut in half.
  4. Welfare provides a cushion against hardship.
  5. CCTV is not the only TV station that promotes public welfare.
  6. Since 2007, economic welfare in the U.S. has continued to improve.
  7. The welfare example is well known.
  8. While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great success in many states—at least in getting people off welfare.
  9. From the early 1960s, local authorities were required to plan health and welfare services.
  10. I don't agree with Mr. Johnson on his views about social welfare.
  11. He was the head of a charity for the welfare of children.
  12. Welfare has become identified with the long-term poor, the underclass.
  13. We are concerned about the child's welfare.
  14. The welfare system is grossly inequitable and inefficient.
  15. That's how concepts like general welfare start to sound quaint in this age.
  16. The child's welfare must be seen as paramount.
  17. The government is cynically running down Sweden's welfare system.
  18. The local welfare office is where government dispenses many of its services.
  19. Animal welfare is a subject very close to my heart.
  20. Welfare payments cease as soon as an individual starts a job.
  21. The children's welfare must be seen as paramount.
  22. In the future, they will improve our health care, social welfare and standard of living.
  23. I believe that the Government's general aim is to whittle away the Welfare State.
  24. I do not think he is considering Emma's welfare.
  25. The trend accelerated in the 1990s as the bastions of corporate welfare faced reality.
  26. Indeed, for Whigs the concept of government promoting the general welfare went beyond the economy.
  27. Welfare is the only real safety net for low-income workers.
  28. Welfare was a poison.
  29. Child welfare services are well established and comprehensive.
  30. Americans usually overestimate the number of blacks receiving welfare benefits.
  31. He has urged complete reform of the welfare system.
  32. He has urged reform of the welfare system.
  33. The program has lived up to its promise to promote family welfare.
  34. The Authority will provide a welfare worker to assist you.
  35. Any delay will prejudice the child's welfare.
  36. Animal welfare campaigners raised £ 70 000 for their cause last year.
  37. At the stroke of a pen they removed thousands of people from the welfare system.
  38. These are matters that bear on the welfare of the community.
  39. He planned to end the welfare system as we know it.
  40. Their aim is to reduce people's dependency on the welfare state.
  41. I want to work, I don't want to be on welfare.
  42. The court assumed responsibility for the girl's welfare.
  43. They lose their entitlement to welfare when they start work.
  44. Welfare reform is a top priority for the government.
  45. The welfare of a child should always override the wishes of its parents.
  46. For example, this calculation puts economic welfare in the United Kingdom at 97% of United States.
  47. The state is still the main provider of welfare.
  48. They would rather work than live on welfare.
  49. There were calls for major changes to the welfare system.
  50. People looked out for one another and were concerned about the welfare of their fellows.