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1. To put down by force or authority.
2. Limit the range or extent of.

Use 'inhibit' in a sentence:

  1. Economic growth has been inhibited by the lack of investment.
  2. Most of the purported health benefits of tea come from antioxidants—compounds also found in beta carotene, vitamin E, and vitamin C that inhibit the formation of plaque along the body's blood vessels.
  3. They have to inhibit wrong desires.
  4. Too much time in front of the TV may inhibit children's learning.
  5. The doctor inhibited the patient from taking that medicine.
  6. Radical Cure: Inhibit a receptor to slow brain activity to normal levels.
  7. It could inhibit the poor from getting the medical care they need.
  8. Extracts from crushed watercress were also shown to inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.
  9. The new drug inhibited the spread of the disease.
  10. And nothing would inhibit these students from getting that power.
  11. And some experts believe its flavenoids may inhibit the growth of plaque on teeth.
  12. Enough alcohol may inhibit the excitatory parts of the brain.
  13. Wine or sugary drinks inhibit digestion.
  14. Thrombomodulin can entirely inhibit thrombin and ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation.
  15. Alcohol can inhibit our ability to detect asymmetry in faces.
  16. Having been laughed at for his lameness, the boy became shy and inhibited.
  17. Authority doesn't have to inhibit innovation but it often does.
  18. Indeed, mustard seeds contain compounds that studies suggest may inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
  19. The interplay between the new politics and the modern media will unbalance the political process and inhibit its workings.
  20. Don't let ego and greed inhibit clear thinking and hard work.
  21. Aspirin apparently thins the blood and inhibits clotting.
  22. You have no power to inhibit me to do anything.
  23. Severe stress can inhibit ovulation, and even mild stress can affect your fertility.
  24. Most berries contain ellagic acid and other polyphenol antioxidants that inhibit tumor growth.
  25. What happens is, they inhibit each other, they cancel each other out in a way, and a third seemingly irrelevant behavior surfaces through a process that we call "Disinhibition".
  26. There are many types of fear, but the two that inhibit iconoclastic thinking and people generally find difficult to deal with are fear of uncertainty and fear of public ridicule.
  27. Causes of Interference and Inhibiting Methods for High Power UPS.
  28. Many countries have already taken dramatic action to inhibit tobacco use.
  29. But there are foods that inhibit iron absorption, such as calcium supplements, tea and coffee.
  30. But there are foods that inhibit iron absorption such as calcium supplements tea and coffee.
  31. It is simply a common variant of human nature, one which iconoclasts do not let inhibit their reactions.
  32. There is no message you can send that will better inhibit team formation.
  33. But Snyder et al point out that the caffeine concentrations needed to inhibit the production of phosphodiesterase in the brain are much higher than those that produce stimulation.
  34. Alcohol can inhibit the more thoughtful functioning and allow anger to flood out.
  35. Moving around throughout the day can inhibit a tendency to fidget and chatter.
  36. So when I went through the data, I had very surprising results, because I found that four out of the five marinating ingredients actually inhibited the carcinogen formation.
  37. Otherwise, high concentrations of isobutanol would inhibit the growth of the yeast.
  38. Aryl disulfides, for example, inhibit polyolefin oxidation.
  39. They are doing experiments to inhibit mice from breeding.
  40. These three hormones also robustly stimulated thymidine incorporation and inhibited drug-induced apoptosis.
  41. She was inhibited from coming to the decision to emigrate by the thought of her mother's loneliness.
  42. The effect, ironically, is to inhibit competition.
  43. In animal studies, this product can inhibit u27, s180 tumors, ehrlich ascites cells and relieve pain.
  44. His bad English inhibits him from speaking freely.
  45. Some corporations shun the use of executive titles because they fear that the use of titles indicating position in the corporation tends to inhibit communication up and down the corporate hierarchy.
  46. Museums that house Renaissance oil paintings typically store them in environments that are carefully kept within narrow margins of temperature and humidity to inhibit any deterioration.
  47. Positive emotions facilitate the creative aspects of learning and negative emotions inhibit it.
  48. The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.
  49. Sore nipples can inhibit the milk supply.
  50. The managing director's presence inhibited them from airing their problems.
  51. We are rather inhibited about touching each other.
  52. Boys are often more inhibited than girls about discussing their problems.
  53. A small manufacturing sector inhibits growth in the economy.
  54. Antibodies were used in the macrophage system to inhibit cathepsin D.
  55. Shyness inhibited her from speaking.
  56. A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child.