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1. Continue a certain state, condition, or activity.
2. To continue doing something; to do something repeatedly.
3. To continue to have something and not give it back or throw it away.
4. A cell in a jail or prison.

Use 'keep' in a sentence:

  1. Slow down—I can't keep up!
  2. It's important to keep the punters happy.
  3. It is important to keep calm in an emergency.
  4. She forced herself to keep going.
  5. "Keep your voice down," I whispered.
  6. He kept us at it all day.
  7. Your application will be kept on file.
  8. Keep a note of where each item can be found.
  9. My family helps to keep me centred.
  10. I'm trying to keep off fatty foods.
  11. I kept telling myself to keep calm.
  12. She managed to keep a poker face.
  13. She could hardly keep from laughing.
  14. You just have to keep yourself busy and keep going.
  15. I just cannot afford to keep myself.
  16. He failed to keep the appointment.
  17. I keep all her letters.
  18. I'm very sorry to keep you waiting.
  19. Is it yours for keeps or does he want it back?
  20. They keep chickens in the back yard.
  21. Do you still keep up your Spanish?
  22. Keep guessing—you're getting warmer.
  23. I keep forgetting it's December.
  24. You can keep your rotten money!
  25. Let's keep in touch.
  26. Eleanor began to keep a diary.
  27. The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.
  28. Her grandchildren keep her young.
  29. I keep my private papers hidden.
  30. I try to keep out of mischief.
  31. I'm sure she's keeping something back from us.
  32. Keep down! You mustn't let anyone see you.
  33. He must like her, or he wouldn't keep calling her.
  34. I keep making the same mistakes.
  35. The notice said 'Keep Out'.
  36. It is difficult to keep up with the rapid pace of change.
  37. Have an apple to keep you going till dinner time.
  38. You should always keep to the speed limit.
  39. It is vital to keep a check on your speed.
  40. It pays to keep up to date with your work.
  41. Keep that dog out of my study!
  42. Keep going like that ─ you're doing fine.
  43. We huddled together to keep warm.
  44. Keep on the right side of the road.
  45. I said I'd go just to keep him happy.
  46. I said I'd go, just to keep him happy.
  47. The thought kept going round and round in her head.
  48. Where the path divides, keep right.
  49. Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order.
  50. His only thought was to keep the boy from harm.
  51. It's about time you got a job to earn your keep.
  52. Keep well back from the road.
  53. I go swimming every day in order to keep fit.
  54. I keep thinking back to the day I arrived here.
  55. We keep a tape of incoming calls.
  56. Why oh why do people keep leaving the door open?
  57. You'll need to keep a clear head for your interview.
  58. It is important to keep in touch with the latest research.
  59. I'll keep you company while you're waiting.