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1. Something or someone that has suffered ruin or dilapidation.
2. An accident that destroys a ship at sea.
3. A serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles).
4. A ship that has been destroyed at sea.
5. Smash or break forcefully.

Use 'wreck' in a sentence:

  1. Two passengers are still trapped in the wreck.
  2. He was killed in a car wreck.
  3. The wreck itself is a boat from Guinea or Liberia that hit a sandbank here at some time in the 1970s.
  4. This sighting occurred during my dive to a sunken wreck off Sardinia.
  5. The storm wrecked homes in its path.
  6. The widow said to herself, "There—he's asleep, poor wreck."
  7. We thought of buying the house as a wreck, doing it up, then selling it.
  8. They still hoped to salvage something from the wreck of their marriage.
  9. The road was littered with wrecked cars.
  10. The decision whether or not to salvage the wreck was not an easy one, although an excavation in 1978 had shown that it might be possible to raise the hull.
  11. The location of the wreck, which is being kept secret, shows that it did not founder because of navigational error.
  12. The ship was wrecked by an explosion.
  13. The propagandists' trump card "wreck our brilliant health care system".
  14. The ship was wrecked off the coast of France.
  15. The wreck was salvaged by a team from the RAF.
  16. The house was a wreck when we bought it.
  17. The interview reduced him to a nervous wreck.
  18. I was a physical and emotional wreck — I still can't believe how I ever got any work done.
  19. The plane is destroyed, a complete wreck: the pilot must have died on impact.
  20. Natural disasters can wreck a community's infrastructure, disrupting systems for months or years.
  21. The navy is to carry out an examination of the wreck tomorrow.
  22. She was a nervous wreck, crying when anyone asked her about her experience.
  23. A serious injury nearly wrecked his career.
  24. The building had been wrecked by the explosion.
  25. It was embarrassing and sad to see this man reduced to a mumbling wreck.
  26. Survivors of the wreck were plucked to safety by a helicopter.
  27. By this time I was a gibbering wreck.
  28. His life has been wrecked by the tragedy.
  29. A coalition could have defeated the government and wrecked the treaty.
  30. They live without nomoi, and they wreck not of one another, that is to say, each family lives by itself.
  31. The can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows.
  32. McKee and his team now knew for certain that they had found the wreck, but were as yet unaware that it also housed a treasure trove of beautifully preserved artefacts.
  33. The car was a worthless wreck after the collision.
  34. About forty prisoners are still barricaded inside the wrecked buildings.
  35. The wreck was raised from the seabed in June 2000.
  36. I was a gibbering wreck by this stage.
  37. A one-mile area around the wreck is still off limits.
  38. By the time the police arrived, I was a nervous wreck.
  39. What would he tell his parents if he had a wreck?
  40. Years of civil war have wrecked the country's infrastructure and destroyed its social fabric.
  41. The car was a total wreck.
  42. Physically, I was a total wreck.
  43. He wrecked the garden.
  44. The wreck is lying at the bottom of the sea.
  45. You look a wreck.
  46. The pilot struggled out of the wreck almost uninjured.
  47. The precise location of the wreck was discovered in 1988.