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1. The pedal in a car or other vehicle that you press with your foot to control the speed of the engine.
2. A pedal that controls the throttle valve.
3. A machine for making elementary particles move at high speeds.

Use 'accelerator' in a sentence:

  1. Tony Stark has a particle accelerator in his home, but just how plausible is such a build?
  2. The brake is between the clutch and the accelerator.
  3. Some of the main features of the Vigos accelerator.
  4. The accelerator is always on unless you tap the brake button on the lower left.
  5. Accelerators are now used almost universally.
  6. Whenever there was a gap in the traffic the merest pressure on the accelerator was enough to close it.
  7. He put his foot down hard on the accelerator.
  8. The panel concluded that a COE is an accelerator.
  9. He lifted his foot off the accelerator.
  10. The driver must have pressed on the accelerator.
  11. He beat time on the accelerator.
  12. He became only the second accelerator engineer to be recognised by the Swedish Academy.
  13. Note: at the end of Listing 2, the QEMU accelerator kernel module is installed.
  14. He pressed down the accelerator pedal of his car.
  15. OK. This is still boring, so let's step on the accelerator.
  16. It doesn't have a gearstick but on the road can be controlled with brake and accelerator pedals and a steering wheel like an ordinary car.
  17. Today many radioisotopes are produced using the particle accelerator called a cyclotron.
  18. Archer missiles and magnetic accelerator cannons fired in a desperate counterstrike.
  19. In recent years , many accelerator laboratories in the world have developed their own bunch length monitors.
  20. Astronomers have suspected for more than a decade that supernova shock waves can act like giant particle accelerators.
  21. It uses the collider is the world biggest particle accelerator.
  22. InfoQ: Can you explain how Remote Accelerator works?
  23. He eased his foot off the accelerator.
  24. Some people press on the accelerator using the heavy part of the foot, like the heel.
  25. The accelerator is generally not for server-side scripting.
  26. The driver pressed on the accelerator, savagely roaring the engine.
  27. His foot stamped down on the accelerator.
  28. The car picks up speed with just a touch of the accelerator.
  29. Imagine you drive a car with no steering wheel, no brake or accelerator pedals.
  30. Listing 2 gives the QEMU accelerator download, build, and installation instructions.
  31. An accelerator pedal kickdown switch provided faster passing when needed.
  32. Ask the excellent net accelerator to download address!
  33. Could someone build a particle accelerator in his home or tiny lab, like Tony Stark does?
  34. She slammed the car into gear, the tyres screaming as her foot jammed against the accelerator.
  35. It has a steering wheel and an accelerator, just like a car.
  36. Building the QEMU accelerator is the same as building QEMU itself (see Listing 2).
  37. The sampled accelerator are composed of accelerator signal, background noise, impulse accelerator.
  38. Imagine you enter a car with no steering wheel, no brake or accelerator padals.
  39. The investigators also exposed the accelerator system to magnetic fields.
  40. They plan to build a new accelerator.
  41. Put two or three ideas or items in a particle accelerator thought experiment.
  42. The engine stalled. He pressed the accelerator hard.
  43. To measure this, archaeologists use a device called an accelerator mass-spectrometer.
  44. He bore down on the accelerator and the truck roared through its course like a heavy bomber.
  45. Easing off the accelerator now will be far easier than slamming the brakes later on.
  46. Call to load the specified accelerator table.
  47. My heel wore through the carpeting beneath the accelerator of my car.
  48. The moment the windscreen shatters, you should begin to take your foot off the accelerator.
  49. At last a gap in the next lane opens. The driver stamps on the accelerator.
  50. Instinctively, his accelerator foot slammed to the floor.