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1. Put in motion or move to act.
2. Make active or more active.
3. Make more adsorptive.
4. Aerate (sewage) so as to favor the growth of organisms that decompose organic matter.
5. Make (substances) radioactive.

Use 'activate' in a sentence:

  1. Activate your Jolicloud account.
  2. We make this suggestion in order to activate our relations.
  3. How do I activate a network interface?
  4. The roles of activated brain regions in mastication still elucidated.
  5. Long-chain acyl-coenzyme A synthetases activate free fatty acid to acyl-CoA thioesters.
  6. This is something poetry can activate and draw upon.
  7. And also, there are other ways of activating FOXO.
  8. Once you have enough obsidian, activate the idols.
  9. Figure 33 shows the buttons that activate the four modes.
  10. The flood control and drought relief headquarters of Hubei province activated Level III emergency response for flood control on Thursday.
  11. Restart the server to activate the caching.
  12. The canister is filled with activated charcoal.
  13. But thinking about or remembering descriptions in terms of their social meaning activated the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex — part of the brain ‘ s social network — even as traditional memory regions registered low levels of activity.
  14. Third: you activate some sort of rejection mechanism.
  15. Pulling out the alarm switch activates alarm and pushing it deactivates it.
  16. Heat activates chemical processes.
  17. The proper way to activate UTF-8 is the POSIX locale mechanism.
  18. Treading on any part of this floor activates the alarm system.
  19. This activates the system to use the late paging space allocation policy.
  20. Activating Experiment Teaching and training the Students Good Quality.
  21. But how do you effectively reach these people and activate them?
  22. Biological Activated Carbon Fiber for the Treatment of Slightly Polluted Source Water.
  23. Finally the activate method is called.
  24. Activating electromagnetic pulse to disable the bank's security systems.
  25. Improve the Share Capital Structure Activate the Non-governmental Capital.
  26. The victory activated the revolutionary spirit of the people.
  27. The operator can also push buttons to activate other behaviors.
  28. Anything from cosmic rays to radiation to diet may activate a dormant oncogene.
  29. Start the IIS server to activate the service.
  30. Now they are trying to figure out what molecular signaling processes activate those seed-building genes in resurrection plants — and how to reproduce them in crops.
  31. You can use any other means to activate the same result.
  32. Activate the upload window.
  33. He activated the door with the miniature sonic transmitter.
  34. Try aroma therapy to activate your brain.
  35. Create and activate the database.
  36. The create and activate methods were explained earlier.
  37. Double-click the entry to activate editing of its label.
  38. Please touch the screen to activate.
  39. So how does DS know to activate or wire this up?
  40. We must activate the youth to study.
  41. Click on the link in the email to activate your account.
  42. Choose'Switch To'to activate the busy application and correct the problem.
  43. Click activate to activate the page.
  44. Activate what you know already.
  45. Stop and restart the DB2 service to activate your new database.
  46. XUL allows you to create, arrange, and activate all these components.
  47. Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position.
  48. Activate the pop-up menu.
  49. Problem: It may be possible to activate or connect to the database.
  50. Keep Up With The Times Activate Modern Chinese Teaching.
  51. Smoke activates the alarm.
  52. In turn, the uncover map allows you to activate every teleport.
  53. Now they are trying to figure out what molecular signaling processes activate those seed-building genes in resurrection plants—and how to reproduce them in crops.
  54. Your jaw muscles activate sympathetically when you see me initiate my reach for the glass, but only when I am reaching to have a drink.
  55. The burglar alarm is activated by movement.
  56. The gene is activated by a specific protein.
  57. Video cameras with night vision can be activated by movement.
  58. The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.
  59. The transactor thinks activating the atomic interaction the intact reactor is practicable.