Definition: 1. To give something officially to somebody or something for a particular purpose. 2. Distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose.
Use 'allocate' in a sentence:
1. Allocate service ownership.
2. We then allocate the memory.
3. The 1985 federal budget allocated$ 7.3 billion for development programmes.
4. A batch of rolled steel was allocated to us.
5. Or you can plan to allocate them to multiple UML projects.
6. The first resource they need to allocate is their own time.
7. Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments.
8. The value that then I create value allocates part to discuss.
9. So, how do you allocate a pointee?
10. Of that money, 130 million euros is allocated on a daily rate for about 630 players taking part in the final tournament.
11. The Allocate Purchase Order (PO) process opens a new PO.
12. How much memory can it allocate per instance?
13. Allocate time to reconnect with your purpose and calling.
14. The government has allocated over £ 100 million to the job creation programme.
15. Allocate a space for the transaction logging directory.
16. I can absolutely allocate local variables.
17. Some of the more obvious rewards that managers allocate include pay, promotions, autonomy, job scope and depth, and the opportunity to participate in goal-setting and decision-making.
18. Its essential is how to determine the reasonable allocating among all parts of the declassification system.
19. In the US, the House of Representatives Science Committee has approved a bill allocating$ 10 million a year to studying energy-related behaviour.
20. Why not allocate a bigger buffer pool instead?
21. All organisms, therefore, allocate energy to growth, reproduction, maintenance, and storage.
22. The manager allocated a task to Zhou.
23. NTFS file system allocates and revokes the storage by cluster. It manages by MFT. NTFS.
24. Senator Hokkons Baules, lead sponsor of the Palau National Marine Sanctuary Act, said the sanctuary will "help build a allocate future for the Palauan people by honoring the conservation traditions of our past".
25. When you allocate on the GC heap, exactly what does it cost?
26. Two million dollars was allocated for disaster relief.
27. Even when they do go up, there is no system to allocate them.
28. Dormitories of boarding schools should not be located in the basement, the protocols read, adding that there should be no more than six students allocated to each dorm room.
29. It helps you allocate proper time for a task and perform the task more efficiently.
30. Allocate the spare steel to the farm tools factory.
31. I allocate some time every day to relax. It really helps me clear my head!
32. The government allocated the poor some money.
33. The state allocates huge funds for the development of aid-agriculture industries.
34. Allocate time to see the big picture of your life.
35. You must allocate the money carefully.
36. How can firms create and allocate wealth?
37. You must remember which pool you need to allocate from.
38. Allocate memory to the guest.
39. Equipment is allocated by warrant.
40. The number of processors to allocate to the partition.
41. We must allocate the money.
42. Allocate containers to the table Spaces.
43. He allocated a particular seat to each person.
44. The trick is to allocate a node for each object.
45. On the ship there is a special room allocated for the storage of mail.
46. The effect is caused by the way we allocate our attention.
47. Hundreds of clubs worldwide also get shares from at least 200 million euros allocated by UEFA from Euro 2020 revenue as a reward for releasing their players to European national teams.
48. A better approach is to allocate workspace dynamically.
49. Quotas of the means of production are allocated by the higher administrative bodies to the lower ones.
50. We must allocate the same amount of prize money to each person concerned.
51. Allocate the time effectively.
52. They intend to allocate more places to mature students this year.
53. A large sum has been allocated for buying new books for the library.
54. 10 staff were allocated to the task.
55. Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first.
56. The project is being allocated more resources.
57. More resources are being allocated to the project.