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1. A silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite.

aluminiumaluminium Image.

Use 'aluminium' in a sentence:

  1. This month he opened the crossings to trucks of glass, wood and aluminium.
  2. The electron source needs to be a metal, and the usual choice is aluminium.
  3. Zinc, lead, tin and aluminium have also run up smartly over the past year.
  4. For materials such as aluminium, the case is overwhelming.
  5. Effects of Aluminium on Growth of Plant Seed-Root.
  6. These localized lesions have been shown to contain aluminium salts.
  7. The surface defects control of low carbon aluminium-killed steel.
  8. Material: carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium alloy.
  9. Development and Applied Tendency and Countermeasures of Aluminium Materials for China Automobile Industry.
  10. Carbon fibre is 30% lighter than aluminium and 50% lighter than steel.
  11. Key technique development of container temperature control in aluminium extrusion.
  12. The building is impeccably modernist: glass, aluminium and grey.
  13. Research and application of aluminium alloy grid structure.
  14. The Study on Pattern Hardening of Soft Aluminium Made in Our Country.
  15. Don't wrap left-over foods in cling film - use aluminium or wax paper instead.
  16. Even making an aluminium engine block can take only a few minutes.
  17. Thermocouple for measurement of temperature in aluminium cells by dynamic method.
  18. The Application of Aluminium High speed Steel to Screw Tap.
  19. Research of the Conduct Heating Control Model of Aluminium Cladding Steel Wire.
  20. a two-piece telescopic truncheon made of aluminium.
  21. On the Three Steps of Anode Effect Process in Aluminium Electrolysis.
  22. The same seems to be happening with aluminium, lead and nickel.
  23. Power consumption and power saving latent capacity analysis in Shanxi Aluminium Works.
  24. Recycling aluminium, for example, can reduce energy consumption by as much as 95%.
  25. Jack Haley's aluminium paste makeup gave the actor a severe eye infection.
  26. The Extrusion Process and the Use for Transportation of Aluminium alloy.
  27. Copper wiring goes in one heap, aluminium foil in another.
  28. They could join forces to buy aluminium cans, as well as raw ingredients such as malt. This is the single biggest cost of each drink they sell.
  29. A Study on Precision Grinding Technology for Aluminium Profile Extrusion Die.
  30. Beer and soda cans are made of aluminium.
  31. The Research and Exploration of the Development of Materials of Electrolytic Aluminium.
  32. Research status and development of welding for dissimilar materials aluminium and steel.
  33. More expensive kites have frames made of aluminium.
  34. Temperature Control for Heat Treatment of Aluminium.
  35. If necessary, we can use aluminium instead of steel.
  36. Aluminium Alloys in Common Use and Their Heat Treatment Process.
  37. The former is called coins, a coin may be made of gold, silver, copper, aluminium.
  38. Aluminium requires lots of expensive electricity to produce.
  39. In corporate terms, the focus of the aluminium market is also shifting eastwards.
  40. FEBRI ELEMENT offers Offers to Railing systems, Aluminium elements and Conservatories.
  41. Effect of Aluminium on the Physiological Characteristics of Tea Root System.
  42. The largest data centres now rival aluminium smelters in the energy they consume.
  43. First, a precisely crafted layer of aluminium has to be created.
  44. Study on Interface Reaction in Aluminium Matrix Composite under Laser Welding Conditions.
  45. Aluminium is rapidly oxidized in air.
  46. Beautiful table lamp equipped with four aluminium zip-fasteners.
  47. Aluminium bars of technical purity.
  48. The aluminium body is 12% lighter than if built with steel.
  49. Store refrigerated food in reusable containers rather than in plastic wrap or aluminium foil.
  50. Copper, brass, and aluminium are separated and remelted for reuse.
  51. All parts are machined from top grade, high tensile aluminium.
  52. Aluminium is a kind of metal.
  53. We employ aluminium for our cooking pots.
  54. He had a house there and a dock and a little aluminium boat.