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1. To speak angrily to somebody because you disagree with them.
2. Have an argument about something.
3. To show clearly that something exists or is true.
4. Give evidence of.

Use 'argue' in a sentence:

  1. Never argue with an artist.
  2. He looked at me as if he was defying me to argue.
  3. He's a really successful man ─ you can't argue with that.
  4. He was sent off for arguing with the referee.
  5. I've had enough of their endless arguing.
  6. He would not torture her further by trying to argue with her.
  7. I won't argue with you!
  8. The crowd continued to argue heatedly about the best way to tackle the problem.
  9. She argued her case with considerable passion.
  10. Who could argue against motherhood and apple pie ?
  11. He's a really successful man—you can't argue with that.
  12. Don't argue with your mother!
  13. He argued very plausibly that the claims were true.
  14. I'm not disposed to argue.
  15. There are those who argue that true independent advice is unattainable.
  16. Well, we won't argue.
  17. Some people argue that the death penalty should be restored.
  18. I don't want to argue with you—just do it!
  19. We seldom argue now.
  20. I don't think many people would argue with that.
  21. I tried to argue but he countered that the plans were not yet finished.
  22. Libertarians argue that nothing should be censored.
  23. They don't even argue.
  24. You shouldn't argue.
  25. Don't argue about it.
  26. Arguing would only give further sustenance to his allegations.
  27. He couldn't see the benefit of arguing any longer.
  28. We have argued consistently for a change in the law.
  29. Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith.
  30. I never argue with others.
  31. He tried to argue with Tink.
  32. They do not argue with propositions, they argue with good looks, celebrities and commercials.
  33. Their lawyers spent days arguing over technical details.
  34. Your parents always argue.
  35. The room was so nice it seemed churlish to argue.
  36. I don't want to argue with you ─ just do it!
  37. Supporters of the death penalty argue that it would deter criminals from carrying guns.
  38. Free-marketeers would argue that governments do not need to intervene in the currency and interest rate process unduly.
  39. She argued powerfully for reform.
  40. You don't argue.
  41. People were jostling, arguing and complaining.
  42. He was too tired to argue the point.
  43. Who could argue against motherhood and apple pie?
  44. He argued that the issue had become moot since the board had changed its policy.
  45. She argued her case calmly and rationally.
  46. He argued that they needed more time to finish the project.
  47. They argued for the right to strike.
  48. Few will argue with this conclusion.
  49. They argue continually about money.
  50. You can argue till you're blue in the face, but you won't change my mind.
  51. These latest developments argue a change in government policy.
  52. It could be argued that laws are made by and for men.
  53. She knew better than to argue with Adeline.
  54. To some extent what she argues is true.
  55. Many scholars have argued thus.
  56. In broad terms, the paper argues that each country should develop its own policy.