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1. Surrounding somebody or something, on each side of something.
2. Approximately.
3. In a circle.
4. In or to many places in an area.

Use 'around' in a sentence:

  1. There's a virus going around the office.
  2. I'm going around to my sister's later.
  3. I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time.
  4. I'll stay around in case you need me.
  5. Ensure there is a free flow of air around the machine.
  6. Digital television has been around for some time now.
  7. We're looking around for a house in this area.
  8. There must be a way around the problem.
  9. Their family has always been well thought of around here.
  10. We were shown around the school by one of the students.
  11. The exhibition is structured around the themes of work and leisure.
  12. The house is built around a central courtyard.
  13. There's not much community spirit around here.
  14. The cost would be somewhere around £ 1 500.
  15. There was a tight group of people around the speaker.
  16. A new satellite has been put into orbit around the earth.
  17. He could hear someone moving around in the room above.
  18. Stick around; we'll need you to help us later.
  19. Turn around and let me look at your back.
  20. It is difficult for young people to find jobs around here.
  21. We were all running around trying to get ready in time.
  22. The team is built around a core group of players.
  23. You must know him ─ he's an institution around here!
  24. He showed me around the orphanage he works at.
  25. It's nice to have people of like mind around.
  26. He wrapped one layer of the plastic around the card and tried again.