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1. To find out the true or correct information about something.
2. After a calculation, investigation, experiment, survey, or study.
3. Find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort.
4. Learn or discover with certainty.

Use 'ascertain' in a sentence:

  1. A close watch is being kept on the radiation levels to ascertain the status of containment.
  2. After ascertaining Mr Xu's nationality, the coast guard handed him to a nearby Chinese ship.
  3. The detective was trying to ascertain exactly who was at the party.
  4. I ascertained that the driver was not badly hurt.
  5. The previous examples capture the additional logs but do not ascertain their relevance.
  6. Hong Lei added that before the investigation ascertains what really happened, all sides should avoid prejudging the outcome.
  7. Could you ascertain whether she will be coming to the meeting?
  8. It can be difficult to ascertain the facts.
  9. As with a baby, I first endeavored to ascertain its origins.
  10. To ascertain if a particular binary corresponds to the correct source code version.
  11. She and her colleagues were also able to ascertain a bit about the bear's eating habits.
  12. that we ascertain from taste communities online,
  13. I want to ascertain what time the train arrives, so that I may get to the station in time to meet my friend.
  14. Through doing this, the teacher will be able to ascertain the extent to which the child understands what he is reading.
  15. Metrics are an aspect of the ability to ascertain project status.
  16. It must be ascertained if the land is still owned by the government.
  17. "Most of us are wanting to call time out on aid until we can ascertain what is in our best interest," he said.
  18. Genetic sampling allows technicians to ascertain a fish's birth stream.
  19. Walter paused to ascertain if the Captain had any particular information to add to this, but as he said no more, went on.
  20. These certificates are used to ascertain the trustworthiness of the client system.
  21. Second, this thesis ascertains the optimum parameters in the cost functions and the storm intensity equation.
  22. The ESB will ascertain whether this user is authorised to make the request before proceeding.
  23. Direct measurement of seismic ascertains that fluid motion is a primary mechanism in porous, permeable elastics.
  24. That mission will help people better understand animal hosts for COVID-19 and ascertain how the disease jumped between animals and humans.
  25. An Agile team can chose a method based on the detail of their need and ascertain usability in an objective manner.
  26. Apply data quality metrics to data from identified data stores to ascertain data quality levels.
  27. Until then, his true colours remain hard to ascertain.
  28. The reports ascertained files of serious studies on American library habits, focused on how much Americans engage with public libraries.
  29. The researchers could even ascertain changes in cloud cover and vegetation as the Earth turned.
  30. Despite the hyperbole, accusations, and denials, it appears we can ascertain these facts.
  31. It's difficult to ascertain the coal deposits.
  32. Cricket keeps an off-field umpire for boundary calls, and to ascertain whether batsmen are run out, and if catches are real.
  33. We must ascertain the responsibility in light of different situtations.
  34. I ascertained that she was dead.
  35. You test and measure your code to ascertain and quantify its quality, but the code itself has already been written.
  36. He had ascertained that his son-in-law was among the living prisoners.
  37. Take time to ascertain what services your bank is providing, and at what cost.
  38. to ascertain when the servers are gonna come back online.
  39. You need to somehow measure key metrics across the distributed process to ascertain status.
  40. The police are trying to ascertain what really happened.
  41. and to ascertain some particulars of the habits of the deceased.
  42. A simple conversation, ascertaining if he was home for an interview.
  43. How do you ascertain what a text means?
  44. Identities of the 19 injured have been confirmed, and police are still trying to ascertain the identities of the dead.
  45. Once they had ascertained that he was not a spy, they agreed to release him.
  46. Many users proposed visiting government offices on Lunar New Year's Eve, to ascertain whether officials are working as hard as everyone else.
  47. They say regulators have struggled to ascertain State Grid's true costs and profit as electricity moves through the grid.
  48. Still, on the forests of Brunei, the biologists have ascertained that bats also use the plant's "facilities" as its rest room.
  49. Cricket keeps an off-field umpire for boundary calls, and to ascertain whether batsmen are run out and if catches are real.
  50. It should be ascertained that the plans comply with the law.
  51. We want to see final figures of boys and girls and the relations to ascertain what sort of group we have here.
  52. It may be useful to ascertain in the annotator code that a specific length may not be exceeded in the created annotations.