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1. An attack intended to ruin someone's reputation.
2. Murder of a public figure by surprise attack.

Use 'assassination' in a sentence:

  1. Time and assassinations wait for no one.
  2. A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.
  3. And in the cold light of an employment tribunal, what seemed like harmless banter about the marketing manager's new hairdo can sound like a character assassination.
  4. "Ms Bhutto's assassination," it says, "could have been prevented if adequate security measures had been taken."
  5. In the years following his assassination, a small wall in the sleepy riverside district of Kampa became something of a shrine.
  6. The killing had the hallmarks of a professional assassination.
  7. Did you tell him that the recording implicates President Logan in Palmer's assassination?
  8. You said clay Bertrand called you the day after the assassination.
  9. “Ms Bhutto’s assassination, ” it says, “could have been prevented if adequate security measures had been taken.”
  10. There is a breakdown of law and order following the assassination of the president.
  11. He was responding to reports of an assassination plot against him.
  12. Mr Schauble, who is wheelchair-bound since an assassination attempt in 1990, does not demur when interviewers describe him as the cabinet's "last European".
  13. Lincoln's assassination in 1865 shocked the whole nation.
  14. Some people think this refers, you know, to assassination plans or something like that.
  15. As a young lawyer, he worked on the Warren Commission investigating John Kennedy's assassination.
  16. The president runs the risk of assassination with every public appearance.
  17. After solving the mystery of Rosenberg's assassination, Castresana was overcome with panic, instead of relief.
  18. Still, the choice of Dubai, a commercial hub with friendly ties to the West, as a venue for the assassination has discomfited some Israelis in intelligence circles.
  19. Others simply accuse the government of carrying out the assassination.
  20. The new of assassination of President Lincoln spread like wildfire.
  21. The whole country is in uproar over the recent assassination attempt.
  22. He's belied to have been responsible for nearly two-dozen assassinations in the last eight years.
  23. The assassination of Honduras’s top anti-drugs official in 2009 seems to have been a Sinaloa hit.
  24. It was his father's assassination.
  25. See article: “The Assassination of Mr Lincoln”, April 29th 1865.
  26. Now framed for assassination, they must use all of their collective cunning, experience and teamwork to stay one step ahead of their deadly pursuers and stay alive.
  27. Lincoln's assassination in 1865 shocked the whole nation.1865.
  28. The Arizona congresswoman was shot in the head in a January assassination attempt.
  29. I am trying to find the group behind the assassination.
  30. But after an assassination attempt against him in 1954, Nasser cracked down on the Brotherhood, and Qutb was caught up in the mass arrests that followed.
  31. He came to power following the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
  32. Assassination also follows the story of two twin sisters, separated since infancy.
  33. One assassination attempt was directed against the country's top three government leaders.
  34. The book describes the train of events that led up to the assassination.
  35. The news of the assassination has had a profound effect throughout the world.
  36. I hoped your house would have been some other one than this; as if there was not another house at Auteuil than that of the assassination!
  37. You know all about the successful assassinations of US presidents.
  38. They shot ten hostages in reprisal for the assassination of their leader.
  39. The assassination of the president precipitated the country into war.
  40. She would like an investigation into the assassination of her husband.
  41. Are we in the character assassination business or are we in the union business?
  42. The assassination of the president brought matters to a head.
  43. This was the first Presidential assassination in American history.
  44. This assassination business has gone far enough.
  45. The risk of assassination has been reduced by modern security systems.
  46. Just as guantanamo was against America's interests though judged legal by some American courts, so targeted assassination may cause more problems than it solves.
  47. The bombing was in revenge for the assassination.
  48. He lives in constant fear of assassination.
  49. They are already serving prison sentences for their part in the assassination.
  50. The president survived a number of assassination attempts.