1. An overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration.
2. A profound emotion inspired by a deity.
3. Inspire awe in.
Use 'awe' in a sentence:
- She filled me with a sense of awe.
- The profound silence awed everyone.
- I observe it with awe.
- Thirteen, as we well know, is regarded with great awe and fear.
- The crowd listened in awed silence.
- Caroline hardly dared talk in Alex's presence, she was so in awe of him.
- Brought before the evidence of his crimes, he was awe-struck and could say nothing in his defence.
- I admired my father, and his work filled me with awe and curiosity.
- The girl's voice was sweet but shaky, her awed round eyes made her look about sixteen.
- They were like children playing. Dad and I were both in complete awe.
- The students are a little in awe of their professor.
- The money was mysterious, and we were in awe of it.
- ‘ It's magnificent, ’ she whispered in awe.
- The mountains in beauty dressed stand awed by that magical sight,' of the wedding of heaven and earth in a waterfall's headlong flight.
- I'm also slightly in awe of them.
- These assemblages, walls, even entire environments create a mysterious, almost awe-inspiring atmosphere.
- And yet I also felt a strange awe of him;
- I was totally in awe, seeing some of their creations.
- was a building which had that shock and awe effect.
- He had a feeling of awe as he was taken before the judge.
- I am still awed by David's courage.
- But it was a painful kind of awe.
- While Diana was in awe of her grandfather, she adored her grandmother.
- After I explained to Juan that yes, we did have a moon and yes, it was very similar to his, I felt a sort of awe at the possibilities that existed in his world.
- We watched in awed silence.
- Don't base your awe of them on their aphorisms.
- Her first view of the Great Wall filled her with awe.
- There's awe in your face!
- The two brothers stood over the dead rat and spoke in tones of awed admiration.
- What we might call today shock and awe.
- He was in awe of her; she held him spellbound.
- Instead of feeling happiness and awe from staring at an anthill and watching the mysteries of life unfold, you decided to forget those small pleasures.
- My brothers and I stared in awe as the knowledgeable old OBO put Jacky through his circus tricks.
- He speaks of her with awe.
- We feel awe when we stand near vast mountains.
- She gazed in awe at the great stones.
- "I cannot strike," he said with awe, "there is something stays my hand."
- Its scientific achievements also provoke awe.
- In awe of his mother and in love with his father, the adolescent Max chose to stay with Mac.
- Are you sighing in awe?
- At home the agency is viewed with awe and dread.
- 'It's magnificent,' she whispered in awe.
- He felt wonder mingled with awe at the grand canyon.
- Thatwas a day of awe and wonder.
- I found it hard not to regard them with awe.
- Her paintings have awed and amazed the public for half a century.
- As for the old woman-I stood in awe.
- The audience was awed into silence by her stunning performance.
- She seemed awed by the presence of so many famous people.
- The building was awe-inspiring in size and design.
- Being so near the august person of the Empress, he was overcome with awe.
- The higher we climbed, the more awe-inspiring the scenery became.
- They looked at him with a mixture of horror, envy, and awe.
- His fellow officers regarded him with awe as some sort of genius.