3. Sometimes dad was nice to us, but sometimes he was bad-tempered and nervy.
4. He sometimes seems bad-tempered but really he's got a heart of gold.
5. Mind you! He's a very nice fellow though bad-tempered.
6. He's always bad-tempered in the morning.
7. My father, who had always been very self-controlled, became bad-tempered.
8. He's bad-tempered, selfish and altogether an unpleasant man.
9. His name was Mr Fang and he was a disagreeable, bad-tempered man.
10. Emma can be very bad-tempered, I can tell you.
11. The bad-tempered Tyson was once put into prison.
12. He grew more and more bad-tempered as the afternoon wore on.
13. When his headaches developed Nick became bad-tempered and even violent.
14. I don't know what's got into him recently; he's become very bad-tempered.
15. Hardly anyone likes him, because he is so bad-tempered.
16. When his headaches developed, Nick became bad-tempered and even violent.
17. Being open to new ideas had no relationship to long life, which might explain all those bad-tempered old people who are fixed in their ways.
18. When I'm myself, I'm sloppy, bad-tempered, etc - fear might make me get my act together more.
19. I am bad-tempered, and easily angered.
20. Old Dawson had the best apples in town, but kids knew they mustn't go into his yard to pick a delicious apple, even off the ground, because Dawson, a bad-tempered man, they said, would come after you with his gun.
21. He is a bad-tempered man and doesn't know what he wants in life.
22. in an angry mood She gets very bad-tempered when she's tired.
23. The bad-tempered conductor found it more and more difficult to keep the players together.
24. He is said to be a bad-tempered old man, but I believe the contrary.
25. I know he's often bad-tempered but really, you know, he's got a heart of gold.
26. They walked in bad-tempered silence.
27. Also, being open to new ideas had no relationship to long life, which might explain all those bad-tempered old people who are fixed in their ways.
28. It is hard to get on with a bad-tempered person.
29. As he grew older, he became more bad-tempered.
30. No one wants to have or be around demanding, selfish and spoiled children, those who get bad-tempered or silently brute when they are not given everything they want immediately.
31. He is a bad-tempered fellow, but he can be quite charming when he is with his children.
32. She is as bad-tempered as her mother.
33. It is not the first time he has been accused of bad-tempered outbursts.
34. Bad-tempered but have to carry all my friends.
35. Long long ago, there was a bad-tempered King. He loved the moon very much.
36. I know how to handle a bad-tempered boss.
37. THE Cyclopses, according to mythology, were a race of bad-tempered and rather stupid one-eyed giants.
38. I'm afraid I was rather bad-tempered yesterday. I think I owe you an apology.
39. Oh, he isn't really bad-tempered. He just looks it.
40. It is hard to get on with a Bad-tempered person.
41. No. I mean, in front of the fame and fortune, he became a bad-tempered, selfish man.
42. My father, who had always been very self - controlled, became bad-tempered.
43. He is bad-tempered sometimes but his heart is in the right place.
44. I mean, in front of the fame and fortune, he became a bad-tempered, selfish man.
45. He's bad-tempered and wilful.
46. Bad-tempered negotiations would increase the likelihood of an out vote in a British referendum.
47. He seems bad-tempered, but he's very soft-hearted underneath.
48. This also made him moody and bad-tempered, a trait that would persist and lose him friends.