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1. Expel from a community or group.
2. Ban from a place of residence, as for punishment.
3. Expel, as if by official decree.
4. Drive away.

Use 'banish' in a sentence:

  1. Mr Putin could do more to banish the spectre of Soviet nostalgia from Russia.
  2. Banish the negative. Fill you head with positive thoughts.
  3. Don't banish certain foods.
  4. "Banish the black," Thompson exhorted. "Think pink!"
  5. So let the king find a way to bring back his banished son.
  6. Banish your fears.
  7. The child could not banish her fear of the dark.
  8. In the case of Hoarding Tyrant, you can banish it to gain two runes.
  9. The children were banished from the dining room.
  10. "Banish the black," Thompson exhorted.
  11. Banish the black, "Thompson exhorted."
  12. He tried to banish gloom from his thought.
  13. Banish the long and baggy and only buy skirts that end on, or just below, the knee, and have shape and proper waistbands.
  14. I will show you how to banish premature ejaculation forever.
  15. He has now banished all thoughts of retirement.
  16. Women, don't banish your man to the couch or stomp off to pout in the spare bedroom.
  17. Let us reasonably banish care and just be friends, enjoying nature.
  18. He was banished to Australia, where he died five years later.
  19. And he breathes out fast, like a king banishing a servant.
  20. Very early in the development of XM, I chose to banish configuration files.
  21. The past few days had been banished from his mind.
  22. I hope so, otherwise your father would have to banish you.
  23. If we could banish all such preconceptions when we read, that would be an admirable beginning.
  24. You should banish your cares.
  25. The news of the task banished all thoughts of sleep.
  26. This experiment suggests that thinking of material purchases in experiential terms helps banish dissatisfaction.
  27. Tang's Banished Officials in Lingnan and Their Contribution to Education.
  28. Mean old lady had her banished from the land.
  29. We don't have to banish status from the good life, but we should put it in its proper place.
  30. In an ideal world, preventive medicine would banish premature death.
  31. At one time, su Dongpo was banished to huangzhou.
  32. Take a deep breath, focus, and banish the animals from your head.
  33. Learning to banish boredom is essential for Happiness.
  34. Banish negative verbs like 'can't, ' 'haven't' and 'don't' from your vocabulary.
  35. You should banish your CARES.
  36. Turn off your cell phone, of course, but also, if you're Skype-ing from home, banish your family and pets for the duration.
  37. You're going to face it and banish it.
  38. Some shredded reams of bills and correspondence while others sought to banish the memory of former boyfriends and girlfriends.
  39. The doctor advised her to banish fear and anxiety.
  40. In short, the attempt to banish biased thoughts worked, to some extent.
  41. Some shoppers sought to banish the economic gloom with these festive bags.
  42. Banish them for their many SINS, for they have rebelled against you.
  43. Her success helped to banish my worries.
  44. They'd banish us, you know.
  45. They tried to banish him from politics.
  46. How to Banish the Boredom That Produces Fatigue, Worry, and resentment?
  47. He was once banished to Siberia.
  48. But those who turn to crooked ways the Lord will banish with the evildoers.
  49. John was banished from England.
  50. The Duke banished him from the court and city of Milan forever.
  51. Banish mediocrity and seek out the work you're passionate about.
  52. Banish him from your thoughts, miss,'I said.
  53. Rachael Adams from Essex, says that after being tagged on Facebook or Instagram in a new dress, she will then banish it to the back of her wardrobe.
  54. I was banished to the small bedroom upstairs.
  55. Several opposition leaders were exiled/ banished to Italy.
  56. Napoleon was exiled/ banished to an island.
  57. They used force to banish the natives from the more fertile land.