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1. The lowest part of the musical range.
2. The lowest part in polyphonic music.
3. An adult male singer with the lowest voice.
4. The lean flesh of a saltwater fish of the family Serranidae.

Use 'bass' in a sentence:

  1. Mottola's Mezzaluna electric bass family includes both a piccolo and a piccolino electric bass.
  2. We're going to sing Beethoven's bass beneath Beethoven's melody.
  3. Is it in the bass or the melody?
  4. Oh, good! We need basses, and you can sing just as loudly as you like.
  5. Conclusion: Modified Bass method needs to be recommended.
  6. The four parts in singing are soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
  7. She was backed by acoustic guitar, bass and congas.
  8. I play bass guitar — and keyboards!
  9. He sings bass.
  10. The frequency response at the principal focus; Bass technology main point.
  11. This meant of course that Doris had to tell Bass whether it was a flashing light or whether it was a steady light.
  12. Italy's leading bass was to give a concert in the park.
  13. The bass drum and the tuba or in the marching band, it would be a sousaphone they would call it, the bass drum and tuba.
  14. Jackie Carrera on bass.
  15. Why, when dealing with harmony and bass lines, do I want to start by focusing on popular music and then apply those principles to classical music?
  16. With the development of folk music and innovation of ethnic instrument, the exploration of ethnic bass has increasingly become an important issue.
  17. "Listen," I said finally when the bass and saxes started up.
  18. And try to sing the bass.
  19. Yes, the music library burned, three or four double basses burned. It's just unbelievable.
  20. You know, eh, a fast number for a chase, deep bass notes for danger, something light and humorous for comedy.
  21. The bass was to give a concert in the park.
  22. Finally, in 1852, Northup befriended Samuel Bass, a Canadian carpenter.
  23. He is a bass with a black voice.
  24. There was bass, tenor and rhythm.
  25. We are manufacturer of high-and medium-end violins, violas, cellos and basses.
  26. Most small orchestras have a string bass.
  27. I sailed through Junior and Senior High in the concert bands and marched for four years with cymbals, snares and bass drums strapped to my slight frame.
  28. Big bodies deliver big sound with big bass response.
  29. What I do is try to sing the bass.
  30. Kurt had started out playing bass in a rock band.
  31. The Application of BASS Product Diffusion Model in E-commerce Studying.
  32. Bass section is clear, have good control and more impact which is nice.
  33. They had a bass and a piano and a sax and percussion.
  34. Who will sing the bass?
  35. Can you pick out the bass?
  36. Just two carved pieces of wood and one bass bar.
  37. Can you sing the bass pitch?
  38. There's the melody up above, this bassoon playing the counterpoint, kind of in the middle, and then the bass playing these notes quietly underneath.
  39. Lazy bass line, lazier drums, lush violins, great piano and incomparable vocals.
  40. Soprano, alto, tenor and bass constitute the four vocal parts.
  41. What he tried to do was to teach a male dolphin called Bass and a female called Doris to communicate with each other across a solid barrier.
  42. He always plays his stereo with the bass turned right up.
  43. He got me a bass dirt cheap.
  44. Bass may have perished there after years of wearisome and unknown labour.
  45. Chinese laborers have updated the Great Wall Station, a vital part of China's plan to operate five basses on Antarctica, complete with an indoor badminton court and sleeping quarters for 150 people.
  46. The bass guitar began to thump so loudly that it resonated in my head.
  47. She chose to be backed by a classy trio of acoustic guitar, bass and congas.
  48. Mr. Bush even recently traveled to the Chesapeake Bay to announce federal protection for two species of fish, the striped bass and the red drum.
  49. They unloaded their catch of cod and bass.
  50. Larger models give more bass.
  51. At school he played bass in a pop group called The Urge.
  52. The songs were arranged by another well-known bass player, Ron Carter.
  53. Is this bass rhythm moving slowly or quickly?