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1. An animal, especially one that is large or dangerous, or one that is unusual.
2. A person who is cruel and whose behaviour is uncontrolled.
3. A cruelly rapacious person.

Use 'beast' in a sentence:

  1. The future numerous times they have to spend together, they have to tame the beast over-confident.
  2. King Arthur himself captures the beast and cuts off its head.
  3. One of these skits, "The King of Beasts" resembles a traditional frontier prank.
  4. I can't bear to see that poor beast so unhappy, and getting so thin!
  5. The boss made the workers toil like beasts of burden.
  6. However, these beasts of the sea do display a vast range of highly acquired behaviors that appear to be driving their genetic development.
  7. The simile is there ostensibly to compare Satan with the great sea beast, leviathan.
  8. Snow Leopard's Finder is a different beast.
  9. There years'jungle life had turned him into a wild beast.
  10. Long, long ago there was a war between the birds and beasts.
  11. So for example, and he tells about different beasts.
  12. Beast Boy and Terra become romantically intwined.
  13. Now we have a beast of a different kind.
  14. Students are addicted2 to videogames featuring fighting or beasts. Why don't video games companies invent some games that both suit the interest of students and teach them moral lessons?
  15. He looks like a beast of a man.
  16. The priests shall not eat of anything that is dead of itself, or torn, whether it be fowl or beast.
  17. "I'm an ungrateful beast, I know," sobbed Toad, shedding bitter tears.
  18. He became as wild as a beast and no one could soothe him.
  19. Recombining man and beast.
  20. There are wild beasts in the mountains.
  21. When she's drunk, she's a beast.
  22. At last he got hold of the beast's tail.
  23. Reluctantly, the Rajah and the Rani and the Rani's aunt and the palace staff left the beast with the Cinnamon Princess.
  24. He saw the public as a great beast or a bewildered herd.
  25. If he could get a fare nothing else mattered-he was like a ravening beast.
  26. The beast held tightly on the tripod and pressed it into my side.
  27. They used him like a beast of burden.
  28. It is necessary for the prince to know well how to use the beast and the man.
  29. Disney's 'Beauty And The Beast' has won rave reviews.
  30. No! We are not beast and man that glance at one another.
  31. The king of beasts looked on, not minding in the least, for puppy was a young and foolish beast.
  32. There are many dangerous wild beasts in the nature.
  33. The little peasant said, "Oh, but I must have my beast back again."
  34. But on earth indifference is the least We have to dread from man or beast.
  35. God gives me strength to overcome a wild beast like you;
  36. He took the roast beast.
  37. Lawless beasts! You'll never get even half a word out of me!
  38. and over hills and valleys. She cheered hunting dogs and pursued animals of a harmless sort. They had a great time together. However, she warned him many times not to chase wild beasts like lions and wolves, but the young man just laughed at the idea.
  39. I watched Beauty and Beast.
  40. It buffeted the beasts, enraging them.
  41. The beast in him came up.
  42. I'll go and harness the beast.
  43. He ran up the nose of the lion, awakening the great beast from his sleep.
  44. It would be same as a wild beast show as we heard they had in York once.
  45. These fearsome beasts have small cannons, comparable to serpentines, mounted on their backs.
  46. Now, sir, what did you want to treat that poor dumb beast so, for?
  47. The unicorn is an imaginary beast.
  48. Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field.
  49. "Now look here, you--you thick-headed beast," replied the Rat, really angry, "this must stop."
  50. In fact, Mr Johnson hates the beast.
  51. It was just that sitting in class and hearing all the patriots preach how we should go over and do the beast in.
  52. He called them "beast machines".
  53. The maths exam was a real beast.
  54. His new guitar is a very expensive beast.
  55. The wolf is characterized as a cunning and savage beast in many stories.
  56. This man is an animal, a beast.