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1. A large outdoor fire.

Use 'bonfire' in a sentence:

  1. If the bonfire is burning big and hot, it has no trouble consuming the additional wood that you put on it.
  2. One of them told me this: "When you write, you light a bonfire in the spirit world. It is dark there.
  3. Some sods have been removed to make a place for the bonfire.
  4. EVERY year, as bonfire night approaches, Britons are warned about the dangers of fireworks and accidental conflagrations.
  5. A fantastic bonfire show will be on show on New Year's Day.
  6. A woman throws an object into a bonfire on a beach in Malaga, southern Spain.
  7. The bonfire was still smouldering the next day.
  8. The zombies' only advantage are numbers, and that only makes your Flamesgiving Day bonfire that much brighter!
  9. I can't miss my to rake leaves, have a bonfire, roast chestnuts.
  10. They piled wood onto the bonfire until the flames roared.
  11. Off to one side, the militia was heaping up wood for a bonfire.
  12. They decide they're going to have a bonfire and they build this giant fire and throw everything from the past into it.
  13. It is called Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night and is held on November 5.
  14. We’re passing the bonfire pile. There’s a bunch of birds in it—oh, there they go!
  15. A downpour of rain put out the children's bonfire.
  16. Will bonfire shadows in CS be dynamic, or static and unreal, like in ShoC?
  17. They throw all kinds of old books, great old books, onto the bonfire.
  18. We danced around the bonfire night they are.
  19. These days, the bonfire revelers retire for crab cakes and oysters after burning their socks.
  20. We made bonfire, sat on the ground, perturbed in mind, but pretending to be strong, praying secretly for a safe night.
  21. When you write, you light a bonfire in the spirit world. It is dark there.
  22. What is a Bonfire?
  23. Raked leaves burn on a bonfire in the garden below.
  24. I need some charcoal to light the bonfire.
  25. Should fireworks be banned or is it important that we are allowed to celebrate bonfire night in traditional fashion?
  26. He presents us with more a celebration of the vanities than a bonfire.
  27. The heavy rain put out the children's bonfire.
  28. The bonfire was piled with wood.
  29. Hay and old rubbish is thrown into the bonfire.
  30. One of them told me this: "When you write, you light a bonfire in the spirit world."
  31. Smoke from a bonfire of garbage mixes with the miasma of smog in the sky.
  32. With the help of his gun and a bonfire, the hunter fought off two hungry tigers.
  33. The main ritual on this day centres around a bonfire ceremoniously kindled at the time of the rising moon.
  34. The bonfire is going to go out. Add some firewood.
  35. The bonfire flamed almost all the evening.
  36. The bonfire is blazing.
  37. i man luvly bonfire u must roast some marshmellows I mean that's NOrMal.
  38. A bonfire in the wilderness can help you keep beasts away.
  39. We set up a tent and made a bonfire.
  40. It's a dress he wears on high days , holidays and bonfire nights.
  41. Instead of a bonfire, a hut is built and then later set ablaze.
  42. I like my ratty dreadlocks and broken nails, not knowing what day it is and spending bonfire night on the beach.
  43. How did you spend Bonfire Night yesterday?
  44. Did you know about the background Bonfire Night celebrations?
  45. Wood was piled onto the bonfire until the flames roared.
  46. We made a bonfire of dead leaves in the garden.
  47. Once outside, Eli and I jumped around him like Indians around a bonfire, pleading him to take us to the movies.
  48. One of them told me this: "When you write, you light a bonfire in the spirit world.
  49. Fan the bonfire or it will fade.
  50. The bonfire lightened the sky.
  51. I am writing a book/TV documentary for Canongate an d the BBC called Bonfire of the Brands.
  52. They celebrated the event by holding parades, lighting bonfires and setting off fireworks.
  53. With bonfires outlawed in urban areas, gardeners must cart their refuse to a dump.