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1. A retailer of meat.
2. A brutal indiscriminate murderer.
3. A person who slaughters or dresses meat for market.
4. Someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence.
5. Kill (animals) usually for food consumption.

Use 'butcher' in a sentence:

  1. The butcher gave us overweight on the meat.
  2. You're simply butchering the French language the way you speak.
  3. Over 500 dogs being delivered to a butcher house were saved by a Chinese animal protection organization.
  4. One butcher does not fear many sheep.
  5. He was as great a butcher as the world has been.
  6. Klaus Barbie was known in France as the Butcher of Lyon.
  7. Guards butchered 1,350 prisoners.
  8. Cuisine Minceur version, whatever the butcher may say, veal and beef should be cooked "naked".
  9. It's the lunatic fringe of the Animal Liberation Front which smashes the windows of butchers' shops, not ordinary members like us.
  10. The lawyer, without a word, writes the butcher a check for$ 8. 50.
  11. He is a butcher by trade.
  12. That was a butcher.
  13. It's about music, which is too good for the butcher.
  14. The milkman came daily, the grocer, the butcher, the baker, and the ice-cream man delivered two or three times a week.
  15. Talk about books with a teacher, and talk about pigs with a butcher.
  16. The play was butchered beyond recognition.
  17. He butchered the pig with a small sharp knife.
  18. He found what he seemed to want--a rusty old butcher knife and a whetstone.
  19. Last to come was the butcher.
  20. The butcher was so pleased, spittle ran from his mouth.
  21. The warlords butchered the strikers.
  22. The butcher smelt her fragrance.
  23. They butchered the war prisoners.
  24. The butcher let out a howl.
  25. Liu Hulan unflinchingly faced death under the butcher's knife of the enemy.
  26. The butcher stood outside the tailor's old house.
  27. My grandfather was a butcher.
  28. Joe Biggs was a butcher.
  29. The Butcher family of Southampton, UK, wouldn't say so.
  30. A butcher, I gather.
  31. It's about the music, which is too good to butcher.
  32. Butcher paper on the walls is good, too.
  33. 'What have you done?' shrieked the butcher.
  34. I bought the meat at the new butcher's.
  35. Ask the butcher for soup bones ( marrow bones are best).
  36. The butcher weighed the meat on the scales.
  37. The invaders butchered their way in.
  38. Several periods of time later the butcher opens the mail and finds an envelopes from the lawyer:$ 20 due for a consultation2.
  39. Why didn’t you have the butcher cut off the end?
  40. A butcher needs sharp knives.
  41. The tailor has butchered my suit.
  42. Before, it was like a butcher place where they cut the cows and pigs and everything.
  43. Luckily a butcher soon came by, driving a pig in a wheelbarrow.
  44. The butcher sells meat.
  45. "What have you done?" shrieked the butcher.
  46. She seized hold of the butcher and reached up to kiss him.
  47. When the butcher turned round, he missed the meat at once, and charged them with having stolen it: but the one who had taken it said he hadn't taken it.
  48. BUTCHER: Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird?
  49. Her husband is a fat butcher.
  50. The butcher trusted them for the meat.
  51. Our people are being butchered in their homes.
  52. Look on the label or ask your butcher.
  53. Pigs were butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling.
  54. The butcher struck off a chop.
  55. Butchers recommend cooking meat with the fat and trimming it away later.
  56. The script was good, but those guys butchered it.
  57. A giant wildcat is being hunted after 58 lambs were butchered.
  58. Policemen, bankers and butchers are all lumped together in the service sector.
  59. The animals are herded into a bay, then butchered.