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1. A grey powder made by burning clay and lime that sets hard when it is mixed with water. Cement is used in building to stick bricks together and to make very hard surfaces.
2. The hard substance that is formed when cement becomes dry and hard.

cementcement Image.

Use 'cement' in a sentence:

  1. His inventions and innovations included batteries, cement mixer, the sound recording telephone, double- and multi-type cable system, railways used brakes.
  2. The find helps cement the dinosaur-bird connection, but it also casts new light on the mystery of why nature invented feathers in the first place.
  3. Builders have trouble getting the right amount of cement into their concrete.
  4. Do you have a dirt or cement floor?
  5. It is first ground into mince and then steamed and rotated in an oven angled like a cement mixer so that the juices run off.
  6. Several soldiers mix cement on the street, lifting it up to their colleagues who use it as mortar, placing a concrete block on top of concrete block.
  7. He had spent several hours mixing cement.
  8. Cement adhered to his boots.
  9. In the old days, television was the cement of society.
  10. He faced the wall with cement.
  11. The cold weather made the cement in the walls contract until it finally cracked.
  12. Devastator looks like a gorilla and has the cement mixer drum in the center of his chest, which he can use as a weapon.
  13. Stick the pieces on with tile cement.
  14. India green for the lower grounds, rosa levanto for the first and cement flooring for the 2nd floor.
  15. Kiev hopes to cement close links with Bonn.
  16. Move the things in the storehouse to make room for the cement.
  17. The machine is bedded in cement.
  18. Cement was in short supply for a time.
  19. China accounts for more than half the world's consumption of cement, and nearly half its use of iron, coal, lead, zinc, aluminum and pigs.
  20. Their holiday together cemented their friendship.
  21. With the cement and the statue and stuff, so it's a lot different.
  22. Hoist up the mixed cement.
  23. We need 100 tons of cement at most for this project.
  24. A puppy stepped in the fresh cement.
  25. The cup fell on the cement floor and broke up.
  26. Let's cement the parts together.
  27. Just imagine building a house without cement or nails to hold together.
  28. They crushed down stone for making cement.
  29. Nothing cements a friendship between countries so much as trade.
  30. They are used to fuel cement ovens.
  31. There was also, running the length of the left wall, a giant waist-high cement trough filled with water and dead mosquitoes.
  32. The earth-moving trucks and cement mixers lay idle.
  33. Cement is made from limestone.
  34. A broken plate can be cemented.
  35. The house rests on a bed of cement.
  36. They decided to cement the pavement.
  37. Living in this world is similar to the fate of a stone in a cement mixer.
  38. The gym teachers lined us up against the cement walls.
  39. They could cement the status quo of peer-reviewed research.
  40. A cement mixer agitates the cement until it is ready to pour.
  41. The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement.
  42. Paste the picture on the wall with rubber cement.
  43. Most artificial joints are cemented into place.
  44. She rendered the walls in cement and, while it was still wet, applied the shells.
  45. The cement should have the consistency of wet sand.
  46. Mix the sand and cement together.
  47. Concrete is a mixture of sand and cement.
  48. The President's visit was intended to cement the alliance between the two countries.
  49. For decades, MayDay parades in Moscow have taken place under clear blue skies, aircraft having deposited dry ice, silver iodide and cement powder to disperse clouds.