Definition: 1. To add to something in a way that improves it or makes it more attractive. 2. A complete number or quantity. 3. Number needed to make up whole force. 4. Something added to complete or make perfect.
Use 'complement' in a sentence:
1. We've taken our full complement of trainees this year.
2. Shirts should complement your body and show off your features.
3. Complementing more reading with writing is an effective way to learn language.
4. Both are necessary and should complement each other.
5. A follow up or complement to the first topic.
6. He insists there is a vast and important difference between the two, although they complement each other.
7. So we must aim to complement the rationality of the machine, rather than to compete with it.
8. Now they understood: A bow won't do without an arrow; nor an arrow without a bow. They complement each other.
9. Using a RUP Review Record to complement a Development Case.
10. Each has different strengths and they complement each other well.
11. Dress To complement The season.
12. We must aim to complement the rationality of the machine, rather than to compete with it.
13. Marconi's example demonstrates that theoretical concepts and experiments complement each other in making progress in science and technology.
14. These two technologies complement each other.
15. If the conclusion is right, there will be an important complement for the novel's foretelling ways.
16. Complement it with additional technologies, as required.
17. Your cover letter should complement, not duplicate your resume.
18. Complement enzymes attack antigens by puncturing the cell membrane.
19. The two suggestions complement each other.
20. Basically I think he would be someone who complemented me in terms of character.
21. The skills that complement computers, from management knowhow to creativity, do not necessarily decline with age.
22. A fine wine is a perfect complement to the dinner.
23. You should create a "stop doing" list to complement discuss with your managers what to stop doing.
24. The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser.
25. And I just want to complement two points.
26. Her own activities were seen as preparing the way for her husband's election or as a complement to his programs.
27. Not one house on the Close still had its full complement of windows.
28. Political knowledge is a necessary complement to science in approaching solutions to these problems.
29. A sense of period was evoked by complementing pictures with appropriate furniture.
30. Comply with the compatible rule of complement when using compliments.
31. Complement your speech with visual aids.
32. The therapy can be a useful technique to complement traditional forms of psychotherapy.
33. They oppose each other also complement each other.
34. We complement one another perfectly.
35. A full multinational complement would be reached within 20 days.
36. His business skill complements his flair for design.
37. Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.
38. Each ship had a complement of around a dozen officers and 250 men.
39. We've taken on our full complement of new trainees.
40. Here I just want to complement two points.
41. Identify which upgrades complement your style of play.
42. The different flavours complement each other perfectly.
43. Find ones that complement you.
44. Complement not substitute for traditional stimulus.
45. Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well.
46. Be cautious that complement should be genuine & unique to the person and it mostly never be unheard off.
47. Technological change may well reinforce that shift: the skills that complement computers, from management knowhow to creativity, do not necessarily decline with age.
48. Buildings contribute to human life when they provide shelter, enrich space, complement their site, suit the climate, and are economically feasible.
49. If I'm right, we should foster a creative spirit because a dose of illogical creativity will complement the rationality of the machine.
50. The team needs players who complement each other.
51. There will be a written examination to complement the practical test.
52. A wool jacket complements the silk trousers and provides an interesting contrast in texture.
53. The excellent menu is complemented by a good wine list.