1. Show that you are thinking about a particular fact, and are influenced by it, when you make a statement about something.
Use 'considering' in a sentence:
- 1. Considering that other climate shifts take thousands of years, this one is pretty abrupt.
- 2. "You're not really seriously considering this thing, are you?"—"No, of course not."
- 3. Thanks for considering me.
- 4. Considering these facts, the possibilities for breakdowns in communication seem infinite in number.
- 5. That is remarkable, considering that the Kindle has only been around for four years.
- 6. I am considering dropping my dancing class.
- 7. Not bad considering what I did to that poor trombone!
- 8. I don't know why we're even considering it.
- 9. He stood there, considering the painting.
- 10. If your retirement plan includes both taxable and tax-deferred accounts, it is worth considering which funds should be placed in each.
- 11. They were asking a lot for the car, but fair dinkum considering how new it is.
- 12. These are fairly high proportions considering the recent economic climate.
- 13. The government will not shirk from considering the need for further action.
- 14. When considering the drawbacks, perhaps pollution is of prime importance.
- 15. Considering the miserable state of the economy, what can you do?
- 16. The recording sounds very crisp, considering its age.
- 17. He's amazingly cheerful considering all he's had to go through.
- 18. He was considering the idea from all angles.
- 19. I do not think he is considering Emma's welfare.
- 20. Considering he's only just started, he knows quite a lot about it.
- 21. This idea is well worth considering.
- 22. He was considering what to do next.
- 23. He is considering taking legal action against the hospital.
- 24. We are considering the options available to us in this no-win situation.
- 25. The government is considering toughening up the law on censorship.
- 26. You've done very well, considering.
- 27. We're considering buying a new car.
- 28. Considering that you are no longer involved with this man, your response is a little extreme.
- 29. Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.
- 30. Considering that the government's standards are not nearly ambitious enough, the picture is clear.
- 31. She's very active, considering her age.
- 32. I think you're pretty safe, considering.